
I always read Shadow as Armenian for some reason. Maybe because Armenians are by far the most ethnically ambiguous people.

Maybe he's just a lifelong television guy? Don't tell me you didn't like him in Friday Night Lights.

Just thinking about it more, hearing something's been optioned without a development timetable can be the worst of all situations. A studio could kick it around for years in stilted development. Or even just sit on it like Sony with Marvels stuff.

Yeah, but they option everything.

Aw, now I just want them to adapt The Kingkiller Chronicle.

! I thought the exact same thing! Besties!

I felt that way about the entire damn novel tell you the truth. I thought the actual plot was the worst part of the book, the world Gaiman created, though, was fantastic.

American Gods could easily be expanded without hurting anything. The book actually feels a little clipped for the universe it creates. Like it has the entirety of human mythology to play with, over thousands of years, but only gets one relatively small story out of those characters. Looking forward to this show!

A writer is someone who writes.

Oh damn!

Any word on what network is picking it up? I hear Netflix is doubling its original series, c'mon Netflix! If they can give Lillyhammer multiple seasons they will literally never cancel this show.

Joel wasn't my favorite of the two. I liked Mike's folksiness.

The vast majority of comedy writers are. They used to have a sizeable minority presence, then we got all accepting of Jews all of a sudden.

Donald Trump has me sensitive to perceived right wing bullshit-ery today. I never thought I'd see an honest to God fascist as a prominent candidate in an American presidential election.

He's just using the prestige of his office to go on a popular program to spread awareness of one of the seminal challenges of the modern era. I don't get why that's intolerable to anyone besides a science denier.

I had a discussion under one of those lists with someone who didn't just like Tesla, he refused to credit Edison for ANYTHING. Like because he read scientific journals and improved on some ideas nothing he did had any intrinsic value. As if Tesla invented what he did out of whole cloth.

Ah, but even in this he was thinking big. Building out DC for long distances would have required truly massive infrastructure, which Edison wanted to build. AC was the cheap, minimalist approach to long distance power transmission.

I'm disappointed in this news. I want my kids to learn about Tesla the way I did, by playing Red Alert 2 and building Tesla Coils to defend their bases.

Edison's greatest contribution is also his least known, he built the first urban power plant and wired the neighborhood around it. That proof of concept unleashed a tide of building projects. That's why he was so closely associated with electricity, he didn't invent the lightbulb, but he was the first person to really

I think it's funny how Edison, and I did it below, has gone from hero to Satan on the internet. People have no respect for what it takes to not just create the next big things, but to bring them to market and thrive with them.