
A hard-edged industrialist using his market dominance and political power to crush a wily competitor? I'm not sure but I think that's been done before.

JP Morgan did finance his death ray/earthquake machine on Long Island, so I bet he does make an appearance.

"I hate your childhood" might be a more appropriate title for an article that criticizes Paul McCartney's "Christmastime"

It's not. It's also really short. It's two seasons of six episodes each, so not a ton of investment. To people who have watched it though, that's not a good thing, I want more!

He went on Running Wild to draw awareness to the direct effects of global warming on the nation's largest ice sheet. He was in Alaska at the time regardless. Global warming will negatively a lot of us in our lifetimes. The Charleston beach, which we just spent billions on and was supposed to last a decade was wiped

No Peaky Blinders on this list? Did you simply not watch it or am I about to make your week by informing you of it?

I love so much of what they make. Now they need to make a sci-fi epic that's actually good. Syfy burned through a lot of credibility with me, but I still remember how AWESOME Battlestar Galactica was, and can only imagine what HBO or Netflix could do. And poor Firefly, dead way before its time.

I loved loved loved the Wright Brothers. The best part was not the invention of the airplane, but the incredible amount of legwork they had to do to convince people to even come to an exhibition at first. It was like four years after they invented it that people finally started believing they'd done so.

What world building? Those are the least fleshed out novels ever written. The first two books are essentially the same premise. The third is slightly different but all agree it is the worse for the effort. The organization of the society makes no sense, and it only gets worse the more she tried to explain it, which

You know what show was fucking hilarious, and smart, and way before it's time? The PJs.

Proposal for fixing the US government (because I can’t get this idea out of my head)

Totally respect that. Like I said, I see the value of having these conversations, but it's kind of like talking about babies being murdered for an entire show. Shoot me. I think I would enjoy the show a lot more if there were at least some good subplots and tangential episodes to distract from the monomaniacal focus

God, I just hate talking about rape. I hate the idea of it at such a visceral level. I dislike media that discusses it, I'm so much more comfortable burying my head in the sand. I don't consider it callousness to the issue, I just find it so distasteful I'd rather not talk about it. It's interesting discussing it in

I noticed that too, heck, the force on her body of jumping would crush her bones to dust if she was that easily hurt. Let alone landing.

There are a couple of fights she has where I've been like, "Wait, isn't she supposed to be a super hero? Why is she taking hits like this?" Super strength without super endurance is, I'm sorry to get all negative, stupid. Getting hit with a board hurts her, but falling from hundreds of feet in the air (her version of

Did anyone ever figure out why Khan's friends needed to be transported in total secret from the most trusted field commander in Star Fleet, inside of fake torpedos?

It really annoys me because I know some people didn't watch that show because of the reviews. Not many, but some. And the only reason people read those reviews and gave Vikram clicks was to angrily denounce him. I thought that show was smart, well-written, fast paced.. a real winner.

Yes, when he says he only goes after women and minorities, it does seem to ignore the macho white man who Kilgrave tried to make kill Trish, like one episode before. But otherwise the idea that Kilgrave is a sort of uber-privileged white male is not off base.

More people have been killed by white terrorists in the past week than have been killed by refugees in the decades since we passed the US Refugee Act in 1980.

Uh, you ever read Vikram Murthi's "The Brink" reviews? That comments section was the highlight of my week. If Oliver has pet issues, Vikram is just an idiot who didn't understand half the farcical elements of the show. Which was weird, since farce is in your face mockery. He kept insisting it was bad satire when it