
AV Club is not immune to the online journalism zeitgeist.

This show is more like a Supervictim show than a Superhero show. I've enjoyed it quite a bit, but it's very different. For a few episodes there I literally forgot she was super strong.

Why was he listening to that? Why was that something his family owned? That's the creepiest music in the world.

I liked how the wall came down in one area, and yet Rick still ended up surrounded. They're only coming from one direction, how do you end up almost surrounded?

"but actual strategic though thought would prevent all of the stories from happening, period." Fixed it for you. These people have no business being alive in the apocalypse. For all their skill with weaponry and ability to get over on their enemies, they have God awful instincts and no long term vision at all.

I bet kids LOVE it. When asked to rank their favorite Pixar movies, kids tend to pick the simple stuff like Cars. The critically acclaimed movies do near the bottom. I was shocked to learn The Incredibles is one of the least liked Pixar movies by kids, but considering how much of it is Venture Bros-style in-jokes it

Yeah, the Nazis had great iconography.

It is the walking dead though…

My personal solution to this problem is finding a small apartment building with roof access, taking a sledgehammer to the entire first floor (gut the stairs and create some good defensive positions). Then seal off all the first floor so any random raiders don't realize it's a death trap. Then farm on the roof and live

I for one don't think Carl's friend will kill him. I think it's a matter of evening the score. Carl is much more badass than he is at the moment. Carrying a loaded gun is a bit of youthful rebellion to what he perceives to be needless limitations. Limitations that Carl gets to ignore. It ends one of two ways, goes

Oh, the obvious solutions are too many to count. You could create a conveyor belt lined with spinning blades, with a loud horn that blasts continuously over it. Zombies walk up to conveyor belt, get fed into to blades, spit out the back end and finished/thrown into a bonfire by a couple of workers.

I love how it's all new. They didn't just bring Rifftrax to the big screen. Though Rifftrax is pretty funny and not sure they're working with Joel?

If The Revenant is at all as good as the trailer makes it seem, it will be a modern classic.

I want to know what happened to the world's supply of concrete, and people who know how to use concrete. Secure these fences with foundations, I don't know why that's so hard. The fact is any level of ingenuity would help them in their current situation.

I never thought this transition was a good idea. Change the Colbert Show format if it's too tired, don't go to the dinosaur that is broadcast late night. WHY DIDN'T HE LISTEN TO ME!?!

No one gives a damn about health concerns. We don't want to sit in a enclosed space and bask in your smoke for hours. That's it. Cancer lends it some increased urgency for people who have to work in bars and on planes. But generally it's to having someone blowing noxious fumes in your face for hours.

The titular battle in that move is one of the most disjointed, confusing battles I've ever seen done. There was no front, no sense of momentum. It was just hundreds of thousands of CGI monsters fighting in ever inch of screen.

How is this still on TV? Damn you Jimmy Fallon! Though JGL's choreography was super-on-point.

Tommy looks like he has a pill problem.

This, "Can't build more" limit in settlements is BULLSHIT. I get halfway through building my mega castle in Sanctuary and I get cut off by arbitrary shit guidelines.