
Yeah, but then it wouldn't let me edit it.


God South Park has had some funny episodes over the years.


Not to sound super creepy, but I think it's pretty apparent to most people that attraction to a 17 year old is v. different from attraction to an 8 year old.

I thought being attracted to underage teenagers wasn't considered pedophilia at all?

Agreed, though the nature of internet journalism leads something to be desired. I'm sure the editors patted Vikram on the back for getting significant clicks on his "The Brink" reviews. The problem was that he only got those clicks from people frustrated at how badly he did not understand what the show was going for.

I have rarely, if ever, met a big muscle-bound guy who was a jerk. It's funny, in movies, they're all jerks, but in real life they tend to be big Teddy bears. I think it's because working out that much is kind of a form of geek-dom. They are obsessives in the same mold as any uber-nerd. It's about looking good, to be

Do you think this will occupy a future in which Method Man's truth serum has made him millions of dollars? There are so many fucking ridiculous parts of that movie, but that's my favorite: he needs to invent a working truth serum to get an A in freshman biology.

My room mate hated it and traded it in.

There was way too much, of "Well, this IS the Middle Ages!" kind of stuff. The hero of the story tortures people. He doesn't even really object! He's just like, "Well, circumstance put me here, so might as well!" I think Sutter was really dedicated to showing instead of telling, but in a fantasy (well, fantasy-lite)

I've been slogging through the whole time, it's been so mildly entertaining. My room mate hated the first episode, so I've taken to sarcastically calling him to come watch, "Bascutioner" with me. Really that's a dumb name for a show. Is he an executioner of bastards or a bastard executioner? You don't find out for

That Bieber and his "team" have tried to rehab his image makes me hate him more. But I'm a pop-hater, so not really the target audience.


What was the idea? I really never understood what the point of this show was. Was it a revenge story? Was it a political intrigue? It was like a revenge thriller where everyone suddenly gave up and decided to play political intrigue. Plus magic and a weird religious cult with no clear connection to the story.

There was so much needlessly distracting crap in this series. The black and white dissolves, the weird forest trapper boy, the painful accent from the wood witch lady, the hawt twins. The story moved at a snails pace, and you never really got what anyone's motivations were. They were on a suicidal rampage to avenge

I've always been a big Terry Gilliam fan, so maybe that's why it's always been one of my favorites.

I tripped balls and watched that one night in college with my friends. Great time.

Sounds like you've sold out to the man.