
The film Heavy Metal is some great 80's sci fi.

Wait, this movie is anything but beloved by people?

Everything new is horrible.

I used to love The Last Starfighter as a kid. I also loved Babes in Toyland starring Keanu Reaves. So overall not very discerning taste for a seven year old.


What's the name of that 80's movie where the trailer is like, Charlton Heston in nothing but a harness, as this monotonous voice chants "Sargoz" over and over again.

I also disapprove of the neo-colonial overtones on Naboo. Where did all those humans come from? Did they give smallpox laden blankets to Jar Jar's people to drive them from prime real estate? They just have this nice palace compound while Jar Jar's people live in stick cocoons underwater. Did those frog people always

Oh, I never hate-consume media, I'm such a morally superior person.

Having recently rewatched these movies myself: NO! These movies suck! It wasn't that they were ruined by nostalgia, it's that the only reason they had so much prestige to start with was nostalgia. They're nerd required viewing whether we like it or not.

I hate Ted Cruz for many, many reasons. This was a pretty good reenactment though.

You gave reviewing duties to Vikram? He still has a job here? The only good thing about The Brink reviews was the unified hatred of the commenters for that bozo.

I don't think you're wrong. It was originally slapped together to capitalize off of Game of Thrones viewers, it's original air time was the hour after Thrones Season 2. Season 2 was a bit more expansive as far as the Viking world went, but was still pretty small in scope. Season three, however, really stepped up.

The show has gotten really good. I'd say season three is almost Game of Thrones caliber.

The refs this year, and I know, this complaint gets old, but they have been atrocious. That's born out by stats as well, not just anecdotal observation. They're remarkably inconsistent. I'm a Ravens fan, and if you look at our games and the point differential, a legitimate argument could be made that half of our six

He reported something that others lied about. Then he issued an apology when he discovered it wasn't true. If anything that shows a tendency to not lie. Also, he was actually being threatened with a mass shooting at the time.

I love this movie, and would consider, "Gladiator is a bad movie," to be fighting words. Screw subtlety, besides some really good performances from Crowe and Phoenix, the action is just amazing. I don't think anyone has done a better true battle (honest depiction of actual armies fighting) until maybe the last season

I think so, it depends on what you are extreme about. I think most people we call extremists are not ideological extremists but partisan extremists. There's no ideology that says charter schools, tax cuts and foreign wars are all good things. They are the endorsed position of the Republican Party, however. If you vary

2009.. just saying. Extremists always fight the battles, because the vast majority of people who are moderates stay moderate by not thinking about issues very much.

I can write the episode now: 1. Cartman comes out 2. Everyone's supportive 3 Everything he does is excused 4. He's still Cartman though and has been doing shady stuff 5. He sort of loses or gets away with it, Kyle makes a speech about how gay people can be bad people too.

I for one didn't think the Professor was in the wrong. His resignation was refused by the University, by the way. And yes the cops are very much a part of it! After everything St. Louis has dealt with this year, the cops are very much a part of this. The anger from the students might have scapegoated the President a