
Because the constitution doesn't apply here. Why aren't you citing the English Bill of Rights? Or the Mexican Constitution? Because they don't apply here.

There are violent people in this world. A nuclear powerplant meltdown is on a slightly different scale than say, this recent case of a kid charging a cop acting like he had a gun in his back pocket, then whipping his hand around quickly. I personally thought that was a justified shooting. The cop can't go for his

In my parents lifetime it was used, and not by "some people who did bad things", but by a lot of bad people who are still around who were MURDERING PEOPLE. And quit bringing the constitution into this. A student administrative hearing is not a court of law.

In Baltimore a friend of mine was mugged during a concert and there was a cop right like fifty feet away. He said, "Look, I want to help, but I'm not going to catch the guy, and we need to keep our closure rate high."

Ain't that the truth. More busy pursuing this nonsensical drug war than catching thieves.

It really shouldn't be a choice between having cops that shoot dozens of unarmed people a year and having no cops at all. It really shouldn't. It's not a choice people are forced to make in most other countries on this earth.

It's not "a name" it's the favored term of people who less than a century ago used to kidnap and murder black people they considered "uppity". "I'm going to kill you!" is just an English phrase, but the words have meaning.

I generally agree. I could think of a few alternative cases where that's not true, but overall I think you're right. For all the problems with tasing I think cops should be required to go into situations with tasers first, rather than guns. Stick to cover, that kind of thing, but this idea that it's ok to run

But.. but… the first amendment says I can say anything to anyone with no consequences!!!

Expelling someone because they shouted a racial epithet at someone is justified. It's threatening behavior to another student. And they aren't going to jail, they're being asked to leave a university. As we've seen with the campus rape stuff, schools are allowed to play by other rules.

Yeah.. but they can expel people. They can make a conscious effort towards educating about race and deescalating tensions. Instead they did jack-all.

You're just making stuff up now.

Do you just record everywhere you go? You're not likely to have your cell phone out recording as a truck pulls by and someone shouts at you. A cop arresting someone you have significantly more time to start recording. And you're right, you know those blacks, so excitable. And devious, because you're insinuating that

Yeah, but again that goes into the question of circumstances. Most of these cases aren't a question of people saying, "A cop shot someone, do you like that or not." There are exigent circumstances that make people side with or against cops. Always. Even if Barbrady kind of thought he was in danger, most of the cops

The social consequences are mass protests and people getting fired. Deal with it.

Missouri has some deep racial issues as a whole, it would seem. I really hope they don't insert themselves and completely dismiss the concerns of students who routinely have jackasses shout "NI***R!!" at them as they go around campus. Say what you want about demanding the President's resignation, but that school was

Depends on how much weight you give to a stupid, racist cop shooting a small child. If you think, "That's fucking terrible!" Then the town's response is appropriate. If you glaze over the act of violence as so many are wont to do, their response seems silly and fake. In that way it's kind of a great Rorschach for our

I think the issue in Mizzou was that people wanted to stop having n***er yelled at them as they went around campus and were dissatisfied with the administration response of, "Oh, that's a shame."

You got to figure though, the population is so huge, and the universe so vast, what are you going to call someone with an entire planet's worth of people behind them, Colonel?

Han Solo: Look you can pretend to be Chocktaw or whatever your family is doing with the whole "Skywalker" thing, but leave me out of it.