
You have a point there. Plus, they're in space! Get grandiose with it! If I was standing in the throne room of my massive space station I'm going with Grand Marshall, at least.

Eh, let's not discount that this could be one of these types of shows where the white guy is a bumbling buffoon in a world full of wise black men and women. I'm just saying given modern sensibilities I'd be more surprised if this was a heroic protagonist in the role, that would raise so many red flags going into

I got to Sanctuary last night, started scrapping and building, next thing I knew I had this massive, five story tall castle, and a badass river gate. It was also 4 in the morning. Any game that makes me frantically search for gourds (to plant for food) when I should be going to sleep is fine by me.

I want to be so famous that people apologize with priceless works of art. I probably don't, but that does give it a certain appeal. "Sorry we fought the other night, here's a Rembrandt."

Kristen Stewart? Seriously? You actually typed a paragraph on how Kristen Stewart should be James Bond without committing seppuku? And Michael B. Jordan or Dev Patel are just Black and Indian versions of Shia Labeouf, respectively. There's no menace at all to them.

Well.. yeah, I don't disagree. I have no love for the Roger Moore era myself. But there's nothing wrong with Sean Connery's bond.

I'm the kind of person who's been waiting for Bond to brood less. People love their realism, fuck that, the world's depressing enough as it is.

It's the story of this season: very few upsets.

This show could use a real tonal shift. Like hit the point in the apocalypse already where people are driving Mad Max cars or wearing full suits of armor.

What do you think they were trying to say when Carl was like, "We have to be strong to survive!" Do you think it was exploring how we retain our humanity after the zombie apocalypse?

Wow, that fan fiction was.. something.

Considering current Bond's predilections, just make one of his several thousand bastard children gay or a woman, that way you can have both a training montage (new Bond agent learning the ropes), bring in Roger Dalton to play old Bond, because he's aged the best, and appease everyone!

Anything said while quipping with a supervillain is inadmissible in court.

Well, unless they make a stand-alone Moneypenny movie it's not quite the same, is it?

I'm not trying to go down that wormhole, but to my original point: take yourself out of the argument, ignore me, and ask yourself, do you think there is even the slightest chance of a James Bond reboot where he's a woman or gay?

Bond is the modern straight man's living definition of coolness. It would take a producer of profound chutzpa to mess around with that formula.

The correct response is to just say, "Sure why not." Then rest assured knowing this would never, not in a million years, happen.

I loved Tales from the Hood! Well really any Tales from the… movie. I like how it's a rare film that makes all the white people kind of cartoonish while all the black people are allowed to be their own people, even the gangsters.

Calling our democracy a plutocracy separated from the concerns of the citizenry in the context of the Bush/Gore election is just obnoxious. Yes we're ruled by the rich, if we weren't we'd be breaking a humanity-long tradition of doing so.

Yahoo is still a thing, ey? Still got that there lady CEO with the alliterative name and such?