
Yeah, cause if that contest proved anything, it's that both sides are exactly the same, and nothing bad resulted because we selected one over the other.

Well, at least our bombing campaigns are restoring peace in that troubled region.

That was one scene where CGI really did help, imo. Oh no! I fell into a sandy pit lined with teeth looking things!

Well, look at how much they complain about Obama being "weak" and openly admire Putin, seems in keeping.

I believe that PI was a recurring character, and was not in on the joke when he first met him. Trying to get the PI to like him came after. But yeah, sometimes people go the entire opposite way.

Oh, the reality of the show is most of the fun for me. I love how much people are willing to do simply to avoid offending Nathan.


You didn't know these were real people and real businesses?

Teti, bud, watch out, Nathan's gunning for your mom.

Will it retain it's judgmental, smarmy-bullshit tone? That's all I care about.

Well most, some are odd-job performing secret karate masters.

Well, it wouldn't be white washing, since Jango Fett was played by a Maori actor. But the complaining is still stupid. Do we really want a hundred CGI'd faces again? Do you people not remember the prequels?

Right? I had the same thought. Do they want some old Asian man to be like, "Yes, yes, you put the pee pee in the coke, hehehehe"

No one should ever complain about Ejiofor being in a movie.

Triple coating people in bronzer and calling them Latino/Middle Eastern is a proud American tradition. Quit attacking my heritage!

I think there's this tendency in our society to react to everything. I don't mean the Asian American groups, they want to say, "this is outrageous," well, fine that's their right. Doesn't mean anything is going to happen, doesn't mean people will boycott the movie: it doesn't require a "PC police!" retort. Just nod

That's not a real person!

Oh, ok, cause I noticed my teams are all underfilled. I figure it's probably just better to lose people later than have unfilled teams.

I can't get him to say anything! He won't even say "They bring crime, they bring drugs.

Seriously? Or are you just being funny?