
Jack? Is this my brother? $3 below the limit seems an incredibly harsh reason to cut you off.

Oh, I'm at chapter 10. Maybe I should play more and stop Fultoning so many skilled soldiers.

Oh no, not feelings!

Huh. It makes me slightly uncomfortable. I'm going to go dwell on this for a minute.

What's with all the "thread" stuff? Is this just something I haven't paid attention to?

And the burger makes you poop green!


Uh, Peter Pan does leave, in Hook. That version also had Rufio, the best head Lost Boy ever.


What do you mean you missed it, you just summarized most of the season.

Oh I agree completely, Breaking Bad is probably my favorite show ever. Every action has consequence, nothing just happens. Sometimes, as with the airplane disaster, that can be a little over the top but most of the time it's just amazing storytelling.

I really liked "Ryan Adams", though I understand it's considered derivative by his longtime fans.

I've gotten four separate people hooked on Game of Thrones over it's run. Mad Men has always been a solo adventure. I know that's not the hall-mark of high "art" to some people, but I think it means quite a bit.

Mad Men has been staid for awhile. The point is entertainment after all.

Why is Modern Family even nominated anymore? It stopped being funny three seasons ago. I could name a dozen comedies more worthy of a nomination.

That was some deep, deep sarcasm.

To be fair Wahlberg has a proud history of savagely beating Asian people.

What makes you think he lied his way to a career in Hollywood? He's a pretty funny comedian, he put in work. You don't just get handed a career based on an anecdote.

Well, I approve.

Well, at least I got to be reminded of how awesome Go Fund Yourself was. But yeah, not a great episode. The frat bros mouths reminded me distractingly of the Hardy Boys spoof.