
I have always disliked that the show is not called Sex & Drugs, and Rock & Roll. That's how it's sung in the theme song and it's just a mess as written.

Gangstalicious: (he and Riley are locked in a car's trunk) You know who my favorite rapper was when I was your age? Ice Cube.

If you weren't afraid you weren't paying attention.

Yeah, nothing ruins a city like not being constantly afraid while living there. Baltimore has gotten way too safe lately, I'm thinking of moving to the west side just to get away from all the hipsters.

If you think Johnny Depp constantly overacts, wouldn't an understated role be a good thing?

Well they do. Ever watched Any Given Sunday? The Replacements? The NFL wouldn't let the producers use Miami Dolphins or Washington Redskins. The NFL doesn't affiliate itself with ANYTHING unless it really wants to.

I'm pretty sure it was made in conjunction with the NFL and they just got some funny people to flesh out the cast.

Yeah, and if he had told those lies and was asked repeatedly about them, his ability to disown them would be significantly easier. You claim to be in the towers on 9/11 once in public? You can NEVER back down from that. Especially right after the event.

Isn't that supposedly the truth of what happened though?

Put yourself in his shoes. Now I'm sure you're a saint, but imagine you once told some stupid lie that you regret, but is impressive, say "I pushed a guy out of the way of a bus one time!" Now you are just starting a career, your success is completely nascent, could go away like a fart in the wind with one gaffe, and

No one's saying he was in the right. Just that he shouldn't be tarred and feathered through the public square (or more realistically banned from ever working again). He apologized, sincerely, he didn't base his career on this lie or anything, I think the public shaming should be enough.

I'm not sure what you're referencing, but I think it would be pretty clear from our comments that we wouldn't endorse anyone being "shunned from society" for something so innocuous.

Viacom is going to listen to the internet twitterati rage mob, you're right, probably. I really doubt he offended their personal values all that much. Making up entertaining stories is, like, their job.

For some reason I just thought of Mike McLintock from Veep pretending he has a dog for years so he has an excuse to leave work.

And who knows the genesis of this? Maybe he's at a party with some producer, just starting out, and a friend who knew he was a day trader said, "Hey Steve, you were in the twin towers weren't you?" And the producer was like, "Wow, really, you were?" I could honestly see myself, young and trying to make a name for

How did you get there then?

Yeah, Paul Sheer is hilarious, so is this guy's stand-up, actually.

Did he benefit from the lie? Was he given the Rudy Giulliani Comedy Scholarship for 9/11 Survivors? No, it was a stupid mistake he got locked into, and never felt comfortable putting himself out there to correct because he knew the response would ruin his career.

This is an adjustment period to the internet age. People aren't lying more, they are just caught out more. Nothing is ever forgotten.