Hey snarky ladies: this is very exciting for transwomen who wish to give birth someday.
Cats just wanna smack dat ass.
1. They are all completely silent during this video, did you notice that?
Damn turkeys have more political capital than I do.
"Pardon me, Bob, but does your wang have a self-cleaning function? No? I THOUGHT NOT!" [WAVES VAGINA WAND]
I hate Heard on the Hill so much. SO MUCH. They are fucking useless pricks who only want to stir up shit. Roll Call tries so hard to sensationalize DC into the monstrous stereotype that everyone already hates.
Call me when she is a third wave feminist and then I shall give her the stamp of my approval.
I just can't stop thinking of BANGERZ and mash when I see her tour / album name. I'm all, YEAH SAUSAGES, too...
It's like they hired their wives.
Genderist? Yeah because we're all cisgender, Joss. Ugh.
Be careful. "Radfem" is its own monster. Also, Jezebel's brand of feminism isn't very groundbreaking or in depth. They never claim to be feminist, they are "Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women. Without Airbrushing." Meaning they still snark on outfits and celebrity relationships. But hey, they don't like being second…
Ah, so just mobile got yanked. Many thanks!
I thought TweetDeck was phased out of mobile and desktop?
J. Law is 23 :-/?