Shit, she has had a ton of work done.
Shit, she has had a ton of work done.
And him have a answer to the 2 state solution. Because he has all the answers.
Christie knows he does not have to say this stuff in public, right? Some things can stay in your head.
No kidding. They were horrible. HORRIBLE!!!!/s
That was so damn cute. Jimmy Fallon is a clueless idiot. Haha.
From the way his release read, it seems that he will make more money and have to deal with less bullshit in the private sector. And for that, I cannot blame him. Sometimes you need to take care of you.
You just have to wonder just how much money Colby Jack owes them.
It is very simple, he got his and fuck everyone else. The hypocrisy of him having those benefits is staggering.
The one thing we can all agree on, the woman is a pro.
To set up a ride to your side piece. Nothing about that is normal.
Good Lord, she has had a ton of work done.
I would not worry about i. Unless the name is printed all over the shoe ala Nike, I do not think anyone will know. Unless someone ask if the shoes are from the original designer she stole them from.
D8ng, ding, ding. Who the fuck does that. His arrogance go the best of him.
And the people he has been promoted will forget about him. You know that kid who bought all the food or drink to the party and then don’t bother to remember the person’s name.
As a black woman who lives in St Louis. Fuck you.
Yep. Black Lives Matter marches are no more. Basically it is open season to kill black people. Soon, it will be black people being prosecuted for have the audacity to survive being shot by the police.
I know, she has been warming my cold, dead heart lately. And it irks me that I am liking her a little bit.
Man, now I am liking Jake Tapper of CNN.
Just how soulless do you have to be not to offer sanctuary. I am embarrassed to be an American right now.
And she mentioned it in a Cosmo interview before going on TV repeating it. She got burned and it was glorious.