And that is why I did not go to one in my home city. The hypocrisy of the marchers (my state is straight up racist red and truly stupid) and law enforcement for tone deaf and staggering.
And that is why I did not go to one in my home city. The hypocrisy of the marchers (my state is straight up racist red and truly stupid) and law enforcement for tone deaf and staggering.
Mandarin Husk is going in my vocabulary. Thank you.
Yet he did not answer the reporters question. Like. At all.
There was a scene of her and Barron goofing around a bit. That was genuine. Those two adore each other.
No. Ummm.....I am sticking with no.
You know classy motherfucker should be an oxymoron. But leave it to #44 to not have it be. Thanks, Obama.
If you look at it in a quick second, he froze her out. Like looked directly at her with that face. There was no smile to her. That is when her face went cold as well.
Not just brutality. Fucking MURDER of black people. Do not downplay this issue.
So these fuckers really want to keep us dumb and not be able to leave the US. They do not want us learning what people really think of us or want us thinking for ourselves.
No it shouldn’t because, you know, vagina, I mean emails. God, I fucking hate this country.
They are scientists and they lie. WRONG!!!
You are being kind if he goes to year 4.
They really did not expect to win. It is apparent day, after day, after day, after day.
You mean he cannot figure out why, Harvard Law Review editor, law professor, civil rights supporter and lawyer, Senator, #44 is well liked. A man whose entire adult life consisted of reading, comprehending and understanding WORDS and PEOPLE and seeing that they are of value and not an inconvenience. A man who…
Mine is Muthafucka Paul Ryan. That person will get every. last. dime.
It still makes my blood boils about what that. Man, I feel for The Khans to this day.
Okay, the Obamas are adorable. It really is a little things with them. The kiss, FLOTUS getting lint off of POTUS’s suit.
Wellll....she did recently give birth. Those are some nursing boobies.
He is just jealous she would not grab his balls.