
This is an absolutely atrocious take that fits well with all of Deadspin's other absolutely atrocious takes.

As a die hard laker fan, couldn’t be happier about George not signing.”

I still say if you can get a hungry Dwight Howard on the cheap, and add a few more quality pieces, you might have something interesting. Assuming Howard actually gives a shit, and Magic can properly identify quality role players, and that’s not happening at all is it.

I’m going to miss Deadspin. 

I can’t believe how badly this team has fucked up its payroll situation. They’re screwed.

Because Drew is so certain that LeBron is going to LA, I’m not going to bother to vote for him to go to LA on Tuesday.

Argentina’s little neighbor beats Spain’s little neighbor.

It’s a little bit sad when you realize “Reno 911" featured some of the most responsible police work in the United States.

These people have, on their side, the senate, the House of Representatives, the Supreme Court, the police, the armed forces, and the president. Also they own all the guns and are predisposed towards violence against people who don’t think like they do. I am starting to feel the net closing in...

This is a stupid comment.

“He wants to be more Elon Musk than George Steinbrenner,”

No one sings the blues quite like the white son of a white New York billionaire. We can all relate to the struggle.

Hey man, it’s not cool to kink-shame his girlfriend.

On the positive side, the Cleveland Cavaliers just fired their horrible GM LeBron James. 

As a Dodger fan, enjoying this regular-season immunity is how I resign myself to playoff suffering.

Is this what they meant by “Warning: Replies that are pending approval may contain graphic material. Please proceed with caution.”?

So you degrade yourself to work for this misogynistic piece of shit and then act surprised when he’s a misogynistic piece of shit to you?

And here I thought a Deadspin reader could get satire? 

Group of Dearth