
No. I get paid by the angry comment. 

Never gonna get a canal job with that attitude, friend. 

Should I post a photo of my college degree every time I write an article?

Like, regardless of my politics, Succession in an aggressively leftist show that is in part about politics. Most of the Roys actively mock their own anchors, viewers, and specifically Mencken as Nazis. I'm just reporting on the text of the show.

“ coming apart at the seams under the pressures of running a right-wing news network that might literally be destroying the country”

I’m pretty sure we saw Hazel very briefly in the first episode of the season.  It was after Della met Anita but before their affair began.

Have to disagree that they wasted time in the first season setting up how he “becomes” Perry Mason. I mean, it’s an origin story.



This has to be the all-time worst copy edit job (clearly not done) in the history of the AV Club. The errors are legion, from the minor (someone doesn’t really know what commas, semicolons, or colons do) to the egregious (last word in the first paragraph or the “the truth his is”).

Maybe I missed something but why was Perry so panicked to pick his kid up from school? I know he was in the middle of a personal crisis but his demeanor said “we’re in danger” not “i hate my life’

The first thought that came to my mind was how there was absolutely no way that Kai would be able to fence the bracelets for the full retail value.

I don’t know that someone trying to redistribute wealth is THE villain, I think it’s the case (as you partly say) of some delusion and naivete.

The super rich ARE very cheap, typically, so that part rings true to me.

I also laughed.  It’s been four days and I think he’s moved about three pages.  Meanwhile Olivia and Paula are apparently reading feminist tomes once a day.

Paula’s not the biggest villain, but she’s perhaps the most self-delusional. She is not one of the “good guys.” She’s hate watching her own vacation while still enjoying all the fruits of her host family’s white supremacy. Like Rachel, she maybe wants to be a good person or, perhaps, at least be seen as one.

When she could’ve achieved the same goal by just handing Kai the bracelet. But when you’re not willing to risk anything...

Roxana Hadid, I just want to say you did a really great job breaking down this episode, most especially fleshing out Tennyson’s poem and extrapolating some of its themes to this episode. You keyed on the “gray areas of just who are those at the hotel consumed by exhaustion, desperation, and malaise from overwork.  Bec

I was a little confused about why Kai made the choice he did to mask up and go after Nicole like that. When he masked up I assumed he’d just run and brush past her. I guess no time to think?

He also has been at the very beginning of that book since the show started. Like he hasn’t made any progress. I’m not sure if that was a deliberate choice or not but I find it funny.