So Amanda Gorman is my new favorite human. She was absolutely radiant, in both appearance and substance. I was shedding the happiest tears as she spoke.
So Amanda Gorman is my new favorite human. She was absolutely radiant, in both appearance and substance. I was shedding the happiest tears as she spoke.
Ugh. I was watching all the mask-wearing weirdness and cringing. Although, I have to say, if you have a big nose (one that, er, projects, I guess?) masks can get really tricky. As a big-nose-haver, I can attest to this. A lot of masks are kind of frustrating and either slip down when you talk or squish your nose.
I just don’t get it. Like, I am an absolute peasant compared to a former President, but like, even I have some beautifully tailored masks that fit perfectly at long last. It took an entire pandemic of me buying every mask I could find to finally discover which ones I could comfortably and safely wear for long periods.
Visiting the Eagle’s Nest on Bucket list: Check
More and more what remains of the Republican Party has become the party of grievance and shouting in all caps. The idea that the “libs are being owned” -and I agree that to the shrinking Republican base, everybody that is not cheering along with them is...a “libtard”. Look...they’re not “owning” anything but a slice…
The bottom line really is it’s not just that the fascists are delusional and paranoid. It’s that they tapped into that energy in a large chunk of the population. I know the GOP has been heading down this path for a long time and the racist foundation has been here since the first European set foot on this continent.…
I think it’s important to bear in mind that these people are not True Believers. She’s manipulating people. She’s not actually this dumb and this is not her ideology, it’s the ideology she finds most profitable right now. At some point when she was younger and less desperate for fame, seeing her whole life stretched…
All joking aside, because you’re right, it’s easy to laugh at this woman, she’s really dangerous. This is the picture of empowered woman that Republican women want to see—where “independent thinking” is an excuse for uninformed laziness and “independent woman” is an excuse for a total lack of compassion for other…
Kimberly Guilfoyle sounds like the perfect name for a Harry Potter villain.
Mother Jones scored her speech with North Korean propaganda music. Fits perfectly:
Look at you, Richard. Such a clever boy trying to zag the zig. There’s a bit of a problem, though. Nobody gives a fuck. Goodbye.
Why do I get the feeling this was just an attempt to poison the well by Spencer? The right’s whole thing these last few years has been blatant trolling, and this just feels like a particularly hamfisted attempt.
You are probably right. I will miss her smoky voice and her give no shits attitude.
Holcomb killed Ennis for multiple reasons, self interest being prominent among them. But Holcomb did also state that killing a baby was different than the corruption he practiced as an everyday part of his job. It’s a crime neither the cops or the criminals found acceptable.
Go write your own letter-precise legal thriller. Jesus.
Emily definitely “knows” that the baby isn’t Charlie, but she’s broken, her child is dead, her faith is shattered, her lover is dead, her marriage is over, she’s still pretty up a pariah, having her decide, “fuck it, I guess this is my life now,” isn’t all that surprising.
1) Perry’s operating ethos is summed up in the phrase “There’s what’s legal and there’s what’s right”, but the finale presented the case that “right” is a highly variable concept and not necessarily unalloyed “good”.
Della and Burger trade looks in a manner so indiscrete...