
lmao, I think it’s the right punishment for when it’s right there. 

fucked up power fantasy

Yes but pervs on the Internet want the stuff that people didn’t want you to see, regardless of the availability of content that the person consented to.

I was considering buying it, but playing DS3 kept me from it. DS3 was ok, but the switch to twitchy gameplay turned me off.

Positive word of mouth and consistant quality will do that, and it’s probably a refreshing change of pace from other mainstream games that keep demading time and money.

This article seems... premature. The writer doesn’t know any more about it than any of us. There have been two trailers, a blog post and a store page description. That’s it.

People use ‘in a minute’ to mean ‘in a while.’

Stop being dumb enough to play games on a console and you won't have these problems 

The pokemon with guns needs to be changed to ark with pokemon. The progression is identical as that game

Yeah, I haven’t played it at all, but I had no idea it was a survival/crafting game. I’d just seen it marketed as Pokemon with guns. And as such, I assumed the Pokemon with guns part would be within the first couple of hours at the very least.

I’m not saying that the promise of gunplay wasn’t used in the previews, but being negative towards the game simply because the high level gameplay used in the previews isn’t indictive of the first 10-15 hours is kind of a travesty. Its as if you saw the Eikon fights for Final Fantasy 16 and assumed those would be the

I love Gamepass, too. I also love having the option to own certain games that are special to me forever. I should not have to give up the second choice in order to enjoy the first.

Because media sites intentionally took a single sentence out of context to amp up the rage for clicks.  

For the most part I agree with you. But what I do not agree with is that it is completely in the hands of corporations whether or not I can play a game in the future which I bought. I feel that there should be some legislation forcing companies to keep single player games downloadable for life and make multiplayer

So in the regards of any future plans, titles, and such being leaked, I say “you reap what you sow.”

Wow another strong month to close out the year. I tried Remnant one but couldn’t get into it, but I could see the appeal and I’ve heard nothing but positives about the sequel so I’m excited to try it.

You got an excellent game and helped support the people who made it and backed future releases/content. 

I know you hate when it happens, but this is one of those games that if I played on Game Pass, I would still buy so I can own forever. It’s just *that* good. 

Bought the game’s ultimate edition at full price on preorder, and felt I’ve gotten every dime of value and then some.

This game has some of my favorite boss fights this side of Fromsoft, and some fights would absolutely feel at home in a Fromsoft game (especially with that Losomn aesthetic which is just *chef’s kiss*).

Remnant 2 is rad and people should absolutely try it even if they didn’t play the first. I say this as someone who just paid $34.99 for it 2 weeks ago and I’m not even mad about. It rules.