
Yea dude I feel you, I thought the exact same thing! It’s amazing. I just about a year ago got a Satisfye grip for it too, and I was like man wish I had discovered this sooner. I’m in my peak Switch comfortable-ness. Lol

Yup, I agree! OLED is what I have so I can’t wait.

Man, I think I am going to have to start a new character! I was already thinking about it, but this is pretty convincing. It would be pretty overwhelming to just relocate all my points in one go... I loved this game the first time through, my only character is like 120 hours in and 100% the map.

For me its Dave The Diver! I keep hearing all the best things about that game, it looks awesome. I don’t game on PC, so was just waiting for the inevitable Switch port.

I played it on launch from day one on Xbox Series X, and loved it.... I see some of the other comments here that just laugh at people that say this. I definitely don’t agree that gameplay wise it was “mediocre to jank” LOL.

hahaha I feel you! So many games, so little time. I swear I keep buying every new game I’m interested in. I figured I just have them all, can play them whenever right? Right?! LOL

I love it! I can relate to all of what you said...

Same exact boat as me! Thank god for Gamepass.

Hmmm.. I would say it’s decently twitchy. It’s definitely a pretty fast paced game overall, especially the 1v1 type fights.

Absolutely loving this game! Read your review, Ethan. Got it friday, played it all weekend....

Ah man! I really wanna play this game, alas I am not a PC gamer though. I hope it comes to consoles eventually! Looks awesome.

Ughh Remnant is soooo good! Been pretty hooked on it. Same too, I think I have 1 area left. Definitely going to do more runs though. 

Yea I’ve totally debated this... Sounds fun honestly.

Hmm interesting...

Ugh god GIVE ME! Great review!

Good times! Great article and memory.

Man, they have some stiff competition from Remnant 2 now. Good luck to them. I feel like R2 is basically doing the same thing as this game, or at least very similar, but is already a very good game. It would attract a lot of the same fans I would imagine, it’ll be hard to switch.

Oh yea, I know everything. I’ve been following Kotaku for like 10 years now, I followed all that drama closely.

Come on... I mean like, yea I’m sure what you’re saying is true and I get the point you’re trying to make. But I think their main point is just how much Kotaku has changed. It really didn’t used to run obvious sexual click bait like this very much at all.

Kotaku has changed so much in the last few years, it’s pretty sad...