
LOL! Reading helps... People are amazing.

Dude who even has time for all this shit? Like, not even trying to overly snarky. I truly don’t know who could have time for all this. I guess if Diablo is your ONLY game and you have all the time in the world to game.

I have been absolutely loving SF 6 lately.... I’m not a big fighting game fan, really only ever played #2 back in the day, and #4 on my ol’ xbox 360.

LOL. Ok, don’t even know who that is but sounds good Retromancer. 

I just made a comment saying the exact same thing. My wife and I were bored to tears with the first couple episodes. It was just hard to care about anything happening. 

I can give a report of my Wife and I, at least. We are in this 30% for sure...

For me, as others here - Horses. Mostly anything with horses seems pretty tacked on. I especially was disappointed when I found the horse upgrader and dead horse reviver. I was like wow, cool concept, I guess. As others here have said, when I can build cars and planes and anything I want, why would I want a horse.

Dude I’ve said that multiple times on transmog!! I was like god, if a game ever needed transmog, it’s this game. It’s crazy it doesn’t have it. There is so many cool outfits, they all look awesome in their own ways. It’s a shame because some super cool looking armor sets have bonuses of like extra stealth. Which I


Totally agree. I could go on about a lot of points I didn’t like, but these are definitely big issues I had. I LOVED ZD, one of the few games I actually platinumed (which is probably part of it, ZD was a pretty good size, not too big not too small. While FW.. Yeesh ya right). FW just really lost it for me, to the

Totally! I really agree with everything you said. Gameplay will always take precedence over graphics for me...I find a lot of it exaggerated these days in my experience, maybe I’m just lucky.

I find a thing happening in gaming a lot now a days. In this article you called out Bayonetta 3... I read the reviews and everything, heard some talk about performance issues / bad graphics. But it’s sort of like everyone just repeats and echoes one tweet they read now a days.

Yea, totally agree. The hype for it too was astronomical, that didn’t help. Now there is just so much word of mouth on how it’s “the worst game ever”, so a lot of people just stay away.

Cyberpunk 2077 is in great shape now. I played it at launch, and loved it. So yea I might be a little biased.... But I booted it up this past weekend, for the first time in a year or so and man, they sure have updated it a lot. Playing on Series X and it looks fantastic. It plays great, super smooth. They’ve

Awesome!! Stoked to return and play some new content, and all the improvements. I loved this game from the start, it getting better and new content is just icing on the cake. 

Wow, this was a really sweet post. As a long time Kotaku reader, this was really touching to see all the past personalities I’ve read so much come back and all say something about him. I’ve missed seeing a lot of these names all in one place. What a heartwarming tribute. Rest in Peace Mike.

All well said! Just live life enjoy things. Good lord..

BF 2042 is in a great place right now. Like a lot of people I played at launch for the first few months, hadn’t played in 6 months or so probably and what I cam back to this weekend was vastly better than I remembered...

Totally the correct take on this imo. Statements like this get HATED online super hard. Trust me, I love Halo and I’ve had many great memories of splitscreen back in the day. I love Infinite as well, but I just don’t really see local co op being that big a deal. I know I’ll get some replies telling me how they were

I feel the same! Lol.. I just tried it this last weekend for the first time in probably 4 years or something.. and I was like wow, this is actually really fun?