
This sickens me. So sad.

Good to know, Thank You! That all sounds about how I would feel. I think I am fully on the “wait until it’s on sale” side. Appreciate the feedback! 

Yea I definitely feel you! It sounds like we have very similar feelings about this subject. I really don’t care about the dollars per minute or whatever. I do like short games as well, I don’t really have a problem with them. But it depends on what I get out of them. Celeste was pretty short overall, and I absolutely

Ok good to know, Thanks! I will probably still play it at some point, but maybe just wait until it goes on sale or something.. 

Ah thank you!! This is exactly the kind of impression I was looking for. This a lot more nuanced than “It’s so good!” Or “horrible and so short”...

Good to hear! I was going to get it on Switch, maybe it’s time! 

Alright alright fair enough! So you would obviously say it’s totally worth it? (on switch)..

You stole the comment right out of my mouth! I love these kind of games, I saw it the other day on eshop and was immediately intrigued. I do what I always do, and looked it up online. I was hit with a wave of people mostly on Steam saying it was too short, too barebones, wait for it to get more stuff etc.. So I bailed

Man, this has got me SO conflicted. On one hand I am not the biggest fan of Fortnite, but on the other hand I LOVE DBZ.

Ah god, yea I think that would probably bum me out as well! Lol

haha there is some tough platforming I feel you! Lots of swinging blades and annoying projectiles lol... Honestly though the few times I got stuck in places like that, I just went and did something else. It’s pretty open ended and you can kind of just go do something else, and then usually some upgrade will help with

Hmm I’ll have to check that one out!

I am very close to the end, and I can whole heartedly recommend it! It definitly IS slower thank HK and especially Dread. The thing is though, is by mid way point or so, you start getting all these talismans n’ what not that you can equip that make you run faster, jump better, do more moves and spells etc.. You can

Looks great! I will be adding this to my list for Switch. I swear Switch is becoming my Metroidvania Machine (tm).. There is so many great versions of this type of game and Switch is perfect for them.

I guess I just see this headline has really silly. It’s not really Twitch’s fault. I live in a pretty liberal place in CA, and life has all but gone back to normal here. We’ve had many events, many festivals, many social things in general and it’s all back to normal. No restrictions, no protections etc.. And there is

I highly recommend it! I quit insta about a year ago, it was my last social media I still regularly used. And man has it been positive. I just have so much less “crap” in my brain, It really hasn’t effected negatively at all, only positive! I just find it all so pointless. It’s really good for mental health. 

Lol Jeez. You know what? You don’t like, have to use Instagram, or any social media!

I pretty much hate Elon Musk, but even I was gonna say that. Like jeez? Like a lot of us would look much better? He actually looks like he’s in pretty good shape for a 51 year old, I would trade for that straight of a back posture honestly! 

This game looks AWESOME! Holy crap, its like the blend of games I didn’t know I wanted. Can’t wait. 

I was going to comment the same thing. Lol I remember when Kotaku did reviews! Really good ones too. “sigh”