
This game is so good. Lol... I thought it was kind of a joke, and when you tell people about it they look at you like you’re crazy. But I played it for the first time this weekend and it’s super fun! There is just something about how simple and pure it is. It’s very chill. Nice break from all the shooting and action

That’s a great idea! Perfecet podcast game. 

I feel the same! I love chillin’ at home and watching my things, but I also love the theatre and always will. My Dad was a big movie buff, so I have lots of special memories of going to the movies with him as a little kid. The smell, the ambience, the dark red carpets, some red vines and popcorn.. A lotta the stuff

What a rude comment! Everyone’s different. I like it too. 

Dude that was BADASS!! Holy sh** I loved it. I am exactly the type of fan that it called out in the beginning, a 90's kid who loves DBZ and many fond memories of watching it on Toonami....

My place. 2pm.... Snacks and drinks will be provided. 

Wife and I just started watching the show, we are only on like ep 6 first season... And we caught on to it right away, I can’t see how anyone wouldn’t. Homelander being a horrible messed up person is pretty much baked into everything right away... You’d have to be insane to think he’s good in like any way. 

Interesting way to look at it 

I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. The footage definitely looked pretty rough to me, BUT I can kind of get behind what he is saying. Sometimes vertical slices of gameplay don’t really show or convey what’s good about the game overall, in context.

Same here. I’ve really really tried too! I almost kinda like em, but I always just lose interest super quick.

That looked so bad lol... Also what’s up with the characters left arm? Lol.. there is something a little off about that arm. It looks huge and weird, like the ratio is definitely off there.. It looks like a huge buff Hulk arm compared to his torso size. 

lol No I’m good. I realized as I was reading your response, that I really don’t even care as much as I thought. Maybe you’re right and I am wrong.

I disagree. They caught her in multiple lies actually, they as in the court. I’ll just point you to my comment above.

I have a huge comment below with my examples. I don’t wanna type more so I’ll just point to that. 

Ambers own assistant talked about how she was very dramatic and had a habit of lying and exaggerating. They had that psychiatrist and what I thought seemed a very thorough review on Amber. There was quite a few other witnesses of various types that all said mostly bad things about Amber, but I don’t want to type

Great show! Loved it. One of the surprises of this year for me. It started off a little eh... But by the end I was in love with it. Such a funny, cute, just heartwarming show. 

dude WHAT! There isn’t strong evidence that she lied? Are you serious? Did you watch much of it? Like, honest question. Because I watched a lot of it, like embarrasing amount to even admit, and she was caught in multiple lies. Many of her stories were not true, they caught her in multiple contradictions, multiple

Wtf? This is insane to me. I can’t imagine watching this debacle and this being the takeway. I could give two craps about Johnny or Amber, I don’t even like the Pirates movies. But I watched a lot of the court proceedings and just kinda made up my own mind. She seemed like the abuser and liar to me, seemed pretty

Oh I actually wasn’t talking about that encounter. I was talking about if you don’t do something in that quest, he goes all rabid wolf on you up by Ranni’s tower. You come down and he’s all crazy and just fights you, you pretty sure you kill the real him. You get his armor n’ what not. 

Great video... Blaidd did have a very soothing voice. And I did love him. Until he went all red on me and I had to beat him the F** down with my great hammer! Lol