
Lol yea, the very end scene only. Unless they decide to include some scenes that aren’t exactly in the book. There is lots of inferred scenes and info about them, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the movie fleshes them out a bit more.

Great casting!! That is actually exactly how I pictured the Emperor in the books, looking just like that. I think he is a great choice physically, and I’m sure he can nail the creepy kind of vibe the role requires. I also think the other 2 actors mentioned here are great casting, very stoked for part 2!!

Wow this is super cool to see, because I just saw the guy posting about it on Reddit the other day! He seems like a really nice, chill, normal guy. Makes me want to support this even more. 

That is definitly not what causes sea sickness but ok, as someone who as spent a lot of time on the water... I don’t clean my ears, ever. The most I do is just wipe down the outer area sometimes just so there isn’t like noticeable wax, but I never stick anything inside my ears.

Wow, yea not much of a wrestling fan, but hey good for him! 

I was gonna comment the same thing!! lol same here. It’s always trip to think back on Real World / Road Rules. I remember him being on there and how he was an “up and coming amateur wrestler” trying to get famous. Back then everyone was like yaaaa ok bro, but hey, I guess he made it! Lol 

Lol! You’re telling me you have the original copy?!

LOL. It’s because they can’t be used for anything. Literally. Not even trying to be sarcastic.

I thought the same thing lol. I was like damn well, that’s what getting ripped will get ya in Hollywood! Going to be in every big action franchise now. Good for him! Even though Eternals sucked and he was super under used in that movie..

Man, well I’m stoked!! I may be the only one judging by these comments lol... I love Halo Infinite. This is perfect timing too. I was daily ranked player up until Elden Ring came out, I finally finished that and think I am ready to emerge from that dark hole of a game lol. This will be a perfect time to jump back in!

Yea, it’s gotten a little intense on the internet these days. You can post something like that, that actually makes sense and follows the kind of logic that a courtroom would follow, and you get absolutely destroyed. The comments and amount of intense “you are the worst” hate online can be so ridiculous.

Oh yea, no worries! Definitely not tryin to put down anyone either, was just kinda saying my opinion.

The first game is just all around better imo. In almost every way. I really don’t care about getting into the “incel” topic or anything. For me it was just a very simple concept of TLOU1 had a much more focused story. It was cleaner, better paced, had a clear emotional arc.

Very good advice! I learned this the hard way... also if you have enough faith, lightning damage is pretty good against them. I use my lightning incantation against them, and it does pretty normal damage. Then once they break  I go in with my sword, works great. 

Whoa! I like this deep take. I feel it! Well said. 

I love Infinite. Up until Elden Ring came out, I was a daily player. I do want more content, but I also fully agree that I have no problem waiting if it means the team health. I think a lot of the very vocal “fans” are toxic as hell. When Infinite came out, I was in the subreddit for a while but I had to leave, it’s

Took the words right outta my mouth! I was like what is up with the snark in this article? Like, everything about it was super bitchey. I thought the trailer was great. 

I got bits and pieces of Love is Blind because my fiance was watching, obviously she was loving it. And yea, it was a bonkers show to me, even if it was hard to look away from.

Yup, so you are about the same as me it sounds like. I actually just tried the golden halberd the other night! Is that the one that comes with that health buff for allies special? I was thinking of leveling that up.

Duddde same! I’m a Strength/Faith build and I’ve been running with the bloodhound fang for most of the game now. I keep kind of “wanting” to switch it up, but I just haven’t found anything close to it’s damage output and just overall fun of use. It’s like+8 now and I destroy enemies. I absolutely love that shadow step