
I would also say, just bust on that white ring! I forget what it’s called. But if you have that on, you always get a helper summoned when you get invaded and that helps a ton. 

I was going to reply and say the exact same thing!! I was like whaaa 90 hours and 4 characters?! Howw?? I’m about 70 hours in on one character, and have sooooo much to go still. I’m in Lucaria still... I’m really doing everything though, and I co op and fuck around with my buddy / invasions a lot. 

I don’t have a super strong finger on the pulse of Borderlands, but I’ve played all of them at least a little bit. All I know is my group of 3 or 4 online friends and I, all were excited about Borderlands 3. We all bought it, and none of us finished it. We all bounced off it within a month. I don’t think any of us

Yea, I totally agree! I really like the area just in general, from like a gameplay standpoint because there is lots of cool stuff there and it looks really “cool” in an art way. But I absolutely get what you’re saying. After a while in that are I always feel kinda like UGH, just need to go have a palet cleanser

Dude OMG - the Birds!! Those big crow like birds in Caelid. Those things are terrifying - with there big over sized heads and gangly crow bodies. They freak me the hell out. The first time I came across them, I was genuinely creeped. The way they are just perched up on their spindly little tree branches too, just

lol Ok CRAIIIG. I’ve been playing since day 1 and have no issues at all. Almost any game has some bugs, it’s such a big game there is bound to be some balance changes / bugs. And the NPC stuff and all that is just icing on the cake for me, didn’t really bother me that much. 

Ummm... I’ve been playing lots of Elden Ring! LOL I even put Horizon on the back burner, not many games could make that game feel kinda “meh” to me, but ER has done it for sure. 

Dude good lord! I commend you. I straight up skipped Valhalla because I was just like nah, burnt out still from the AC before. That is quite the play time. I fully agree though, it’s crazy there is still such big DLC coming from this game.

I personally love it. I love the no icons, minimal HUD, mystery of Elden Ring. I haven’t even realized how kind of burnt out I was getting on standard open world design. I’ve been playing Horizon at the same time, not to dog Horizon it’s a great game also, but it’s just so full of icons and it explains EVERYTHING.

I feel the same way! I thought it was super pretentious. Long, not a clear “center” to latch onto, poor or no character development. Really just went nowhere. I have been pretty amazed at the attention it’s getting. Almost every person I’ve talked to in real life, didn’t really like it. I’ve only see praise online..

This is super well said and I fully agree!

I have issue with V’s response though!   “Feeling dirty, huh?....”  LOL! What a dork. Or “Panaammmmmm I can tell you’re bored  ;D”   god, cmon V. Step up your game! Panam is better than that dirty talk. 

Oh totally! That’s true. I’ve defended 2042 in other posts saying similar things... I mean honestly I still really like 2042. It’s kind of janky and definitely has some issues, but it hasn’t really stopped me from playing it quite a lot. I play with my buddy and that makes it a lot funner also.

Sweet! I’m on Series X as well. I’ll shoot ya an invite. 

Lol! I feel ya... I’m not quite to the point of just fully skipping everything, but I’m close. The writing and story is pretty terrible, very cringey. But I am enjoying in a cheesy B-movie kind of way still. But I probably will start skipping just because its a big ass game too.. 

Nice! Yup, I pretty much agree with all your points. It’s just super fun exploring the world. Everything feels like it has a purpose and there is always some cool thing to find or discover. I feel like it really rewards curiosity. I also think the combat and parkour feel smoother and like “stickier” than the first

Ah yes! Same here. How you liking Dying Light 2? I’ve been playing it this week, probably about 5 hours in, and I am super impressed! I’m really diggin’ it. I knew it would probably be fun, I played the first one and liked it alright. But this one just seems much more confident in what it’s doing, I was kind of

Yup, exactly! Yea I agree. There is a more nuanced conversation about CP being released unfinished, which I do kind of think is true. But there absolutely was a functioning, and pretty damn good game, right from the start. 

Big Dragon Ricky! LOL. I would absolutely kick it with him. 

At this point I think its clear that Cyberpunk is being held to different expectations than any other game, and it’s treated unfairly in some aspects. Of course it’s an RPG good lord. Many other games with far less are called RPG’s or at least Action RPG’s. But there is comments that still talk about it not having