
God how I miss BF4! Such a high point... BF1 was pretty good too. But man 4 was just so much fun. 

I mean the Halo thing is funny, but not entirely un-true I would say... Halo has it’s issues sure, and maybe now it’s kind of cool to hate on Halo on the internet, but at first everyone was loving it, especially MP. I don’t really think it’s a fair comparison since they are wildly different, but Infinite does have a

Oh man hell yes! Been seeing a lot of praise for this game online, I think I am definitely going to get it later today... I’ve never played any olliolli games but this looks awesome to me.

I mean, I do the same thing every time I acquire a fresh tasty baguette. ‘Yall don’t?

Thank you!! These are a lot of my same feelings. 

God do I disagree. That’s one way to look at it. But I was on the reddit for quite a while and I watched a lot of the desync videos, I mean hell you kind have to because they complain about it all the time. Most of them just are lost 1-1 fights in ranked, with BR’s. There was many of them that just seemed like the

Nah, I’m with you. I play the game almost every day, I love it and am absolutely addicted to Ranked in MP. I would definitely consider myself hardcore by most measures. I guess I’m a little older (33) but I love Halo and always have, to me this is a super solid entry.

I feel the same! Lol I have another comment on here saying a lot of the same points. It’s a super long comment so probably no one will read it, which I get lol... But ya I play the shit out of Ranked, I have to be close to 100 hours. I finally got Onyx and that’s been really my only grind in that game, and I enjoy it.

God, so stupid... The game is totally fine! All of this stuff imo is SOOO overblown.

I was going to comment the same overall thing but in a broader sense! I don’t know what is up with the snark in this article at first about the franchise as a whole...

I don’t really “hate” too many of the maps. But you nailed it on the best 3, those are easily the most recognizable and just plain fun maps, they all have really good flow to them. 

This is all pretty much accurate lol. The matches are 5 points in ranked, and usually because everyone is pretty good, it can be a pretty long ass match with nothing really happens. I routinely get matches that end with 1-0 or in a tie. It’s just super easy to go back n’ forth. And you definitely nailed it on it being

Highly disagree. I pretty much feel the exact opposite. I think a lot of the new maps are really good, behometh is easily one of the worst imo. 

YES!! Omg Yes yes yes. I almost only play ranked, and that is amazing news to me. I fully am in the camp this article talks about. Behemoth is ok in casual playlists and fiesta, just like the article says. But in ranked ugh god. Its horrible. And it’s almost always CTF. Those matches just go way too long a lot of the

I am 100% with you. I’m typing this comment after a whole weekend playing the game. It’s a super fun game and I love it! A lot more than I thought I would. But it would absolutely rule in Co op, and it bums me out. I have an online friend group, and a couple of us would absolutely play this, but this point right here

This! Exactly. I’ve found the whole debacle kinda strange personally. It’s like at the end of the day, all of this is juts about the customization of your spartan? The spartan you can really only see in breif moments and before the before/after the game? Ok....

Man, I love Halo Infinite so I can give it a bit of a pass personally. But it is pretty crazy it’s been straight busted for so long. I just tried and still just errors out on me, It’s been like this for quite a while now. No BTB for me! I like Ranked the most anyway, so not a huge loss. But I’m really looking forward

Yea, that’s a tough one! I would probably just sell all those physical games if it were me, unless you’re really attached to them. I don’t think MS does anything like that, pretty sure you are just hosed with those games on the S. You could just get a Series X? They aren’t as bad to find as a PS5 in my experience.. 

Wow, this is a really accurate well spoken break down of her! Lol Well said. 

Yea, I agree, that’s when I see it too. Granted I am not high Onyx (yet! lol) but I guess I just don’t really see that as a problem? I can see that it’s strong, but with skilled players in those tiers I don’t really see it dominating. You can usually still win just by having good awareness and aiming with the BR.