
Eh, its not really that bad as the pros are saying imo.... It’s pretty damn strong and useful in quickplay and the social playlists I’ve found. But those aren’t ranked, so to me it’s kinda like who cares? It’s true if you are good, you can dominate with it. But a lot of people aren’t as good in those modes anyway so

100% agree with this. I had the same exact experience. I played it a year or so ago, and I found it to super bland. I really didn’t have high expectations either. I was same as you, I had waited for a long time, and didn’t have anything to play at that moment so I thought screw it I’ll finally try Day’s Gone. I got it

I thought the same thing reading the bloomberg article...  They all use lots of like round-about words, and fancy descriptions. But they all basically mean that yea, he sounds like an asshole. You can use all the words in the world, at the end of the day, an asshole is an asshole. lol

If you like him and miss the good ol’ days of Kotaku, I highly recommend his podcast Triple Click, if you don’t already know about it. Its Jason, Kirk Hamilton, and Maddy Myers. It’s really kept the “kotaku vibe” that I used to love going for me, their banter and insight is still great. 

Dude YES!! this is so true lol.. There is these 2 buddies I play with, and they are way worse than me. I think they are both like Silver and Gold or so (on a good day). And yea, playing with them is so damn nice. Last time I played Ranked with them, I went like 35-10 on one game. Where usually I’m exact same as you in

I’m Diamond 3 now I believe in Ranked. And MAN, it is hard. I’m really not trying to brag. I feel like I’m pretty good and maybe above average, but it is tough in diamond I tell ya. I have to really be on top of my game. I like to smoke a little weed and have a few drinks n’ all that some nights, and I’ve pretty much

See, I think you nailed it for me just now with this comment - I HATE that. I’ve read some interviews with Lana and crew, and yea, she has said stuff similar to what you just said. But it’s like, I love the Matrix ya know? I have a real pure love for the franchise from my childhood. So it kinda sucks to me that she is

That’s fair! I’ve watched Reloaded not that long ago, I really don’t think it’s that horrible. The fact you said “maybe” is it right there. I would definitely say the freeway sequence was wayyy better than any action scene in Resurrections. By a lot. Like I said in my original comment, besides any other pillars of the

Haha hey, I am definitely not against criticism of Reloaded and Revolutions. I don’t think they are very good movies. The Matrix 1 is easily the best, by a mile. Reloaded I still think has some great action scenes. But Revolutions is pretty bad, I fully agree with you that those cartoon fight scenes at the end are

Yea, that was a pretty bizarre turn. I can kinda forgive that one. I took it as, that was her finally waking up and realizing that’s all the Matrix. So even though her memories are “real”, she realizes her kids and husband aren’t real, and Neo is the real one. I dunno, it was still kind of a weird plot point for sure. 

Easily! I love the Matrix. I still like Reloaded for the most part, and Revolutions less so. They definitely went down in quality as they went on. But they still weren’t really “bad” to me completely. Revolutions went off the rails but it still had some cool imagery and pretty good fight scenes. I could always count

I liked it quite a lot! Not the best game ever, but I would definitely still say it was one of my top 2021 games. Played on Series X and I liked it enough to dust the entire map.

Lol, I think he’s just nervous! I noticed that too. I wouldn’t say that makes him weird though, he probably just still gets nervous to be in front of a crowd, movie star or not. Wouldn’t you be nervous to go on a live talk show?

This is such a great review Luke!! This is the most nuanced review of this game I have read across the internet, and I’ve read a lot. I’ve found it super interesting to engage with reddit n’ what not about this game..

I don’t know what the hell this article is talking about, what click bait-y nonsense. Kotaku is in a sad state these days and it’s obvious yall are really trying to ride this Halo popularity train.

I don’t have a problem with the load times. It’s just nice for switching between multiple games and keeping the exact same state as if you just paused it..

Haha Ok Ok, you sold me! Lol I hear you... I’ve had a lot of people tell me the same, I’m missing out, how good it is etc... It was a long time ago that I watched some, I feel like I would appreciate it more now and it does look awesome. I’ll give it a go!

Ha! The dutch angle, lol YES! I said the same thing to my gf, we were on episode 2 and after about the 50th dutch angle, I looked to her and said “man they really like the dutch angle in this show” 

Not surprising at all. It just felt super flat to me. My partner and I watched it, and we got through most of the season before looking at each other like, “are you enjoying this?” It was just kinda boring all around.

Lol! This fuckiNG guy man.