
Hard disagree with this article. I don’t know why you feel the need to call out gamers perceived ways of playing or not playing. But I frickin’ LOVE quick resume. I have a Series X, and I use it constantly. I am always juggling between a few different games, and I will often pop out of a game to go into Youtube for a

This is very true! I’ve been playing a ton of ranked, and I love it. But Also my main gripe - WAYYY too much Oddball!! I sware like 3/4 of the games I play are Oddball. I don’t know why it’s so heavily Odball right now. I like the mode and everything, but like when I play 10 games and like 7 of them are Oddball,

Oh no, it’s fantastic! It’s super smooth 99% of the time. I played it pretty much 50/50 docked and handheld, and never had any issues. I can’t really imagine playing it any other way, it just plays so good on handheld.

It sounds like you have your mind pretty made up! Lol.. I don’t want to get into an argument or anything, not trying to dog you for not liking Halo, opinions n’ all.

haha I’m glad he did! Legit made me chuckle. 

UGH! I am so PUMPED!! Can’t wait until tomorrow night. Got the Series X all ready, Gamepass is fantastic. Between this and Forza, it’s a great time to be a gamer right now. I grew up with Halo and this gives me all the feels. The MP is frickin’ fantastic, it’s been everything I could want (I was still basically

Yup, exactly! You got it... I got to that point, and it was just so intense. I felt like I was pretty good at the game, but that was next level. The level you seemed to have to operate at was just past me. After trying on 4 for a while, I was like yea probably never going to beat this lol. 

Man, might have to fire it back up on the ol’ Switch. Dead Cells is sooo good. This article really parallels my journey with the game. I got it when it first came out for Switch, played it a bunch and liked it, but never quite fully clicked with it or beat it.

Hmm every time I see this game, I think it looks pretty cool combat wise. But then I just read about how it’s kind of lackluster. Has anyone here even played it? I am sort of interested and I just got a PS5, so maybe it would be perfect.

Yup, exactly!! you nailed the feeling lol...

Amen to that! 

Lol! Even though I overall like it I can definitely understand that.

Hmm I haven’t seen anything with monetization. I know it’s in the game but it doesn’t seem to beat you over the head with it so I don’t know what that could be.. COD is wayyyy worse in that regard. I read IGN, Polygon, Reddit mostly. 

Ugh god I LOVED Sands of Time. Still one of my fondest gaming memories honestly.. I guess I was on of the rarer ones that bought it day 1, I still remember getting home with it, and just devouring it over a few days. That game truly felt magical to me at the time, I got so swept up in it’s story and gameplay. A true

Sometimes reading the internet I feel like I am the only one having fun with this game! Lol.. It can be kind of a janky mess and some of the menus are really strange, so I can understand where a lot of the criticism is coming from. But I guess I am just an easy sell, because I just don’t really care most the time.

LOL! I love it. Like maybe the guy a few comments up who felt the need to tell him “fuck you” for this article? Yeaaaaaa. 

Jesus, feel what you will, but there really is no reason for the “fuck you”. Just saying, good lord. It’s just a video game we can still talk to each other like real people. Doubt you would say that to him in real life. 

You’re not alone! Lol I just wanted to reply and say I feel you. I typed up a similar comment to what you just said. I really agreed with this article that like, it’s just a fun game that I’ve been playing the hell out of. And it’s free. I don’t really play Halo games for armor, but its cool to unlock stuff. I did buy

So agree with all this and it’s really nice to see this opinion being expressed online!! All I’ve been saying is hate for this subject, and I really don’t get it. I bought the first battle pass, after about a week of playing, I am at level 10. I’ve been playing a lot, but not really focusing on any challenges. I don’t

Hell yea! Oh yea, I love the attachment hot swapping. That is a super nice addition.