
I’m one of the weirdos with you! Been having a blast with this game on Series X. I really haven’t had any problems. I can see that maybe some stuff is missing, or the features are a tad barebones, but I guess I just don’t care? I’m pretty easily pleased with these games I think. One of the main criticisms I keep

AHhh ok! So it’s not just me. I have a clip of this right here happened to me a couple nights ago. I thought I was just trippin’ LOL

So, so true. This whole thing really reminds me of the Oxycontin story in the FX show Dopesick. Just watched the final ep last night ( and obviously you could just go read the real life story on wiki) but that’s exactly it. These execs and big companies will say all this BS market speak yada yada, we support fairness

I really think you’re just projecting some of your inner feelings on to this. Online shooters are very popular, but have been for a long time. But if you look up some the most popular games in the world, there is plenty of non shooters. I just looked up God of War lifetime sales and they are about 20 million. I really

Only if it comes from you RavishingRickRUDE

Hahaha yes! I like that movie (and about 50% of Kevin smith movies maybe?)... I would like to at least hope our content wouldn’t be as awkward as their first time in front of the camera in that movie! lol 

Hahaha this is perfect. What EVER could it be?? Hmmmm. 

Whenever my fiance talks about money issues or we have money debates, I’m always like “heyyy well there is always Onlyfans babe!” Lol...

Nailed it!! Perfectly said imo.

Hell yes!! What a sweet surprise, I’m stoked!! This is shaping up to be an awesome period for Xbox. Been playing Forza Horizon 5 on the Series X all weekend which is fantastic, BF 2042 later this week(I know it’s having some issues but I love BF, bugs n’ all), and now Halo MP and pumped for the single player soon too.

I was surprised to see that the “next gen” series X or PS5 version costs 70$ also! Usually I am super against paying more for games n’ what not, but the Gold edition is 100$, so I was almost tempted to buy it since I probably will buy some of the DLC n’ stuff anyway. But man, yea expensive game. I really love BF

It gets SOO much harder on Veteran.. The bump in difficulty is steep. 

 I’ve had some success with rando’s, but it definitely depends on the group. I also just have a problem with the cards in general, because even if you have really good cards and a good deck, it depends on how far you are into the acts too. So act 1 is always just super tough on higher difficulty. And yea, the bots are

Agreed on the difficulty.

Lol good lord that ogre! I just posted another comment saying the exact same thing, that 2nd mission on Veteran difficulty is such a difficulty spike. I’ve done it probably like 10-12 times now and haven’t passed it. It’s way too hard. I’ve seen so many teams just get absolutely destroyed in like less than a minute on

I agree with the other comments on here, what timing!!

Same here!! Exactly the same. 

Yup, took the words right outta my braing! Totally agree...

THIS! Omg I watched Bfast Club recently, me and my lady are both too young to really have any love of that movie from when it came out. And man, it was rough. It’s just SOOO cheesy imo. We both were kinda like yeaaaa...

Beverly Hills Ninja (with Chris Farley) for me. I LOVED that movie when I was a kid probably around 12 or 13.. My best friend and I watched it probably a dozen times, and I remember just rollin’ on the floor laughing. We would stay up all night and watch it a couple times, playing video games, eating junk food.