
Ok, that looks frickin’ AWESOME!! I am super here for it. It looks like the best bits of Bloodborne and Dark Souls. I absolutely love the vibe and overall look and feel of the combat / world. The monster designs! The creepy music! Man... Really impressed. 

This looks fantastic to me. The dungeons and combat / pacing of a Dark Souls game? But like maybe some BoTW type exploration and open world? I am so in. 

I’m pretty sure they’ve said that it’s the same overall concept as other DS games, and this demo seemed to confirm it. Being able to summon other people to aid you etc.. 

Looks so good to me! The combat and overall look and feel of Dark Souls, with open world exploring and connected dungeons n’ all that? Yes please! 

Stardew Valley! 

Metroid Dread was so good! Such an amazing game. 

It’s an amazing game! I’m sure you’ve had a million people tell you that, but I just want to join in on that lol..

That’s exactly what I was thinking too lol... Little trailer looks dope though! 

God, Elon Musk is the worst. I will never understand why normal people (as in middle class, “normal” citizens) side with billionares like Elon or Jeff Bezos. It’s like a chicken talking to a wolf like they’re best friends. So long as that chicken has something to offer the wolf, they will be kept around! The minute

For sure, I definitely understand your points. CP 2077 was a good example to pick for this discussion, because I loved that game too! Lol.. It was kinda one of those things where a lot of people were just hating on it and talking about it online, but I was just ya know, playin it. And I loved it. It had some flaws and

This game looks awesome!! Seems like a surprise hit. I keep almost buying it for Switch.. Was mostly waiting for Metroid Dread, but I just beat it so this might be next! 

I thought Dune the movie was fantastic. As a big fan of the books, I was stoked and I they it did the books immense justice while also just being a good Sci-Fi movie in general. 

This comment just really seems like you don’t understand what Halo is. Your first couple sentences literally just describe Halo. “Huge map where you can go wherever you want, points to progress the story” I mean, that literally is how Halo has been since Halo 1, so it’s what people expect. How are people not seeing

I love it! This is awesome to see, I figured it would get super fast...

God that sounds absolutely horrible! lol 

Oh for sure, I didn’t mean to get defensive like you were. I understood what you were saying. No worries, no harm done  :) 

Lol yea true... I guess I just had that “gamer brain” kind of thing of wanting it to be this big huge game, and I was just surprised at the length of it compared to other similar titles. 

For sure. I 100% agree with this. The side missions in TW3 are way more substantial. 

Haha hey I mean that’s fair! Everyone plays at certain kind of levels. But it’s not like I’m making some false flaim, I am positive that was around my playtime, it was around 260 hours for Witcher on hard difficulty. But I think I just got REALLY into that game, so I was probably going even slower just really taking

I just gotta comment on the part about CP being a “massively long game”... It really isn’t at all. The actual campaign is surprisingly short and even the overall game world and side stuff is pretty small, especially for an big AAA RPG. I would say if you are 20 hours in already, you’ve probably done more of the main