
Eh. Sorry to the devs, I feel bad for them. But even besides B4B I think the game was just pretty doomed on arrival. It just didn’t generate much buzz. I have a whole group I play with, we are a shoe-in for this game, but we all just kinda were like nah. It just looked too generic and the reviews and everything didn’t

I agree. I will fully admit I’m a bit of Metroid noob, Dread is really my first metroid game I’ve sunk into as an adult and I don’t really know anything about the story. So my views have all been very surface level.

Totally. I didn’t even care about the kickstand at all, but now that I have it I’ve been using it some and it is nice to have.

Thank you Kerning!

Man, that’s shitty, even if it is kind of common. At least these articles are bringing some of it to light. I imagine it stings even a little more because Metroid is GOOD, and of course you want your name to be on it. I give kudos to everyone involved, the game is super impressive to me in pretty much every way,

Lol yeaaa. I don’t really buy that at all. The hate for the Switch OLED online has always been kind of interesting to me...

Haha interesting. Gamestop works in mysterious ways! lol

I went to my local Gamestop last Friday launch day to pick up Metroid.. I was standing in line one of the customers in front of me asked if they had gotten any OLED’s. To my surprise the gamestop guy was like oh yea we have 3! So I was screw it, gimme one also and I’ll pass down my current “old” switch to my lady.

I’ve been developing this theory in my head about this subject, well not really “my” theory but just what I’ve noticed... “Cancel culture” or “cancelling” someone famous is only so effective in relation to how talented they are... If the person is good enough, or talented enough, than it will probably never really

LOL! best comment 

Some of these are solid picks, and I do want to see some of these..

I played it a bunch handheld over the weekend and didn’t have a single issue. I thought it ran fantastic, smooth the whole time. I also don’t see why all the hate. Sure, the switch is a weaker console but I usually have a great time with it, I love my higher powered consoles too but they just fit into life in

I am absolutely loving this game! So good. And a big pillar of the experience I am having is because I was able to nab a Switch OLED on friday. Wasn’t even planning on getting one, just went to Gamestop to get Metroid and they had 3 of them so I thought screw it, I’ll take this and give my lady the old Switch... I

I completely agree with this article on pretty much all points. I’ve played every Far Cry game. Literally every single one at least a little bit, and holy shit is it tired. It was cool for 3, already a little tired by 4, and it’s just gotten worse since then. 

Reddit has a heart attack over everything though lol.. 

Yea, I love both Halo and BF but they scratch way different itches. This definitely sounds like them doing what most people want. 

Ughh! Just reading this made me excited! Lol That sounds awesome and exactly what I want. Those type of mini stories and gameplay moments are my favorite part of BF games... It’s the only Mp shooter I can think of, where I can kind mess around and ignore shooting for a little bit, and still just do have many great

I dunno, I love Battlelfield and this all just looks and sounds awesome to me. I am fine with going back to the roots of what works. When BF is really at it’s stride in a multiplayer match, no other game matches that feeling for me. And BF5 and BF 1 were both kinda meh. I am just hoping to capture that BF4 feel, which

Haha yea, I hear you. I’ve played enough to see that coming, that’s why I was careful to put that comment that I’m only in the first half... 

God, I just wanna point out the “shionne is my favorite waifu” comment. Lol screw that.