
Interesting. I hear all the points you are saying. It definitely is a fast experience. I guess for me, I just figured if everyone has the same abilities, it’s an even play field. And you do still have to be very strategic with the boost and sprinting etc..

Ah, gotcha! Yea that is true... 

I think that’s because people have already played the multiplayer. And it actually like, exists.

Wait whaaaaa! I guess I’m late to the party, and I haven’t played any of the technical tests... They got rid of mantle or it just feels different? And boosters are gone? Man, I did not know that and that bums me out. I guess you’re saying its a gear item, but that sucks. The boost was fantastic, I cannot imagine why

I don’t really get the criticisms of Halo 5 not feeling like Halo. Lifelong Halo fan, and I love Halo 5. I still play the MP regularly... Played a bunch this weekend and it still plays excellent. It kind gets forgotten, but I think it’s still one of the best arena shooters on the market. It’s just super smooth, very

Wow, ya I agree that’s very lucky! Good for you though lol..  I do sometimes check Target and other places randomly. Someday! 

Yea, I follow Matt Swider and I have stock alerts on for PS5 on my phone. I’ve probably tried on playstation direct about 5 times now. Every time I sit in the queue line for an hour or so, then it lets me in and they are gone.

I keep seeing things of like “everyone has now”! but I just gotta say - I still haven’t been able to get a PS5. And it’s not because I don’t try. I follow a couple alert accounts, stock alerts etc.. I have gotten on to websites probably like 15 times now the second I get an alert, and I try and try. Still nothing.

I am the perfect prime age of Halo fan. I absolutely was floored by Halo 1, it came when I was probably like 11 or 12... When Halo 2 came out, I devoured it along with my whole group of friends. Halo fanatics I’d say we were...

Great to hear! I just surpassed where I am assuming the first movie ends in the book. I am pumped! 

Oh, I do! I was actually just reading about them a little bit to decide. I definitely think I will read the original series 6 books. I’ll stop there, I don’t think I need to read the ones by Brian and Kevin.

Totally! Oh man, I already feel that lol... I’m a little over halfway right now, and I already just sit and space out thinking about the parts I’ve already read. Such a fascinating book. The trailers do look super how I imagine it. 

Lol, sorry but it definitely was as many others have responded. I played a Mario cabinet in my local pizza place in the early 90's quite a bit.

But you’re always just talking as though you can see the future, and it’s a given he will do a horrible job. I’m not some huge Chris Pratt fan or anything, but I will at least reserve judgment until we hear the voice.

I am so ready for Dune! I will definitely go see it in theatres just to support it. I’m reading the book right now for the first time, and HOLY SHIT. I am blown away. I absolutely love it. And the trailers for the movie looks like everything it should be. 

What the hell! Blasphemy! No frickin’ way were they worst. I know it’s all subjective, but that’s an insane statement to me.

Totally agree with all this. I got about 10 hours in, and at first I really liked it and was stoked. I even have some comments from that time on some articles here on Kotaku praising it, I will fully admit.... But then I just, kind of, stopped playing. I would do the same thing and hover over the icon, and just never

Haha that’s funny. My wife and I definitely are not in that list. Lol we are pretty full up with the 2 cats and a dog. And we talk many times about how we are going to take a break when some of these die off. We definitely don’t do fostering or anything. But we do love animals! It’s hard to not wanna rescue an animal. 

Lol.... “Cause they know they’re suckers?” wtf? What about owning 2 cats make you a sucker? We have 2 cats and 1 dog, so I guess we are suckers? Maybe because of the dog we are suckers+?

Haha oh man same! I think I had like 50 hours or so in Yakuza 0 (my first yakuza game).. I kept just playing so many mini games and all that, I knew I was near the end so I eventually just had to really buckle down and focus on the story. It’s hard in those games!