
Sweet! This is about what my coworker has been saying. I’m all for the length, give me 60-80 hours no problem! Going to start it tonight, I’m stoked. 

Took the comment right outta my brain! I was going to say the same thing. I read all his criticisms about it being too long, than I got to the little summary picture and was like wait, what? 40 hours?! Is that considered super long now? I’m expecting like probably double that.

I fully agree! I am really amazed at how good Psychonauts 2 is. I actually started and got a couple hours in, and then restarted just because it’s so good. I know that sounds weird, but I was kinda just buzzin’ through it not really paying my whole attention at first, and I had this moment like “Wait, this is actually

Dude, did I literally not say this in my comment? I mean, thats literally what I said.

Yup, you are definitely correct! And for sure, I see your point. Thats why I said I am aware we have many regulations we are abide by. I guess it’s just scary in a way, but you make a good point....  

I fully admit I do not know much about Chinese culture or politics. But to me, it comes across as scary just because of the simple thought of the government being able to just make a blanket rule like that, about something viewed as entertainment. I get they are minors, but just to all of a sudden be like “nope, you

This looks great! And right to gamepass. Love it. 

All sounds good to me. I am so ready for this game! Just for the multiplayer alone. If the campaign and co op is good, icing on the cake.

Well said!! I fully agree with this take too. I am a little different than you in that I do pay attention to all the marketing and hype somewhat, or at least read about games a lot. But I also keep my expectations in check. And I can usually just enjoy things for what they are, instead of they were supposed to be. It

We are out here! Just wanted to comment and say we do exist. Lol I work in an office and 3 of us here played it, and all loved it. It was kinda fucked up and a weird game, but it was still a lot of fun for what it was. And I thought the story had a lot of heart and cool ideas. 

Lol. I just gotta jump in here and say that screenshot makes your comments even more interesting. So you basically hate on this game that you’ve put almost 400 hours into? That’s just bizarre to me. But you do you I guess.

This this this!! I would upvote it again if I could.

I 100% agree with everything you said. This is all basically how I felt too. Like yea, there was some weird kinda broken systems and under developed parts, I could see them, but I just never really cared. It still had a lot of heart and emotion in the story, and I love shooters so it appealed to me in that way. As far

Totally! Fully agree. Something has to be “good” at first or at least interesting in a way, to generate the hate later one. Other wise I feel like people just wouldn’t care.. 

Oh for sure! All super true. I think Cyberpunk was a “failure” in CDPR’s eyes, just because they are operating at such a huge level that they need a huge amount of sales. But calling it a true failure is a stretch by any means.

I also find it kind of funny that making fun of Cyberpunk and just any talk of Cyberpunk, still generates tons of interest. It’s like yea we are hating on it and it’s a funny thing - but its kind of ironic that the internet still gives it so much attention thus feeding into its popularity, in a way. I can see all over

For sure! It all depends on taste and the group etc.. Umm we were just on the base easiest difficulty, whatever that is called. Never even messed with the difficulty. Me and the main couple guys I was playing with, are definitely not very good at all... Most of this was on friday/saturday night and we were all

I hear some of your points. But counter point - me and my crew played all weekend and completely ignored all the card stuff. Like we definitely all just picked up and played and had really no problems. I can tell there is some nuance and complexity to the cards, but you can also just sort of ignore it and it’s still

I’m one of those people, played it all weekend with a couple buddies on Xbox.

I can see what Alex saw in it. Your comment is super dismissive, but I though he had some valid points. I’ve played about 10 hours of The Ascent, and about 100 of Cyberpunk 2077. It is similar to Cyberpunk in a lot of ways. It actually kind of plays like what a top-down view Cyberpunk would play like, I’d imagine.