
Oh yes, works flawlessly! I am in an xbox party with multiple people 90% of the time I am on. Some are on PC with xbox app, some are on series X, some are on xbox one. All of it works the same as always, no problems at all.

I don’t have a ps5 yet , but I have a series X and I love it. It’s a great console all around. I get that it might be kind of un-exciting, because it doesn’t really change much. But everything just works. It’s super smooth and fast, all the games load so fast and look great. Been really diving into gamepass and it’s

It’s a great game! To each his own n’ all that, and obviously you know your own preferences. But I really liked it, there is definitely a lot of good game in there. 

I really agree with this. Just put my controller down on a 100%, about 100 hours or so. And I loved it. It definitely is kind of janky and has some weird parts, but imo the game that is there, is totally what I thought it would be. I’ve been kind of perplexed by the reaction to the actual game content, issues n all

Yeesh. I never played this one, so I fully admit I’m talking out of my ass - but that looks rough. Those graphics looks pretty horrible, and the gameplay just looks so stiff and wooden. Dunno about this one. 

Lol this is some strange phrasing going on here. I played Control when it first came out, I loved it! Fantastic game. My enjoyment of Cyberpunk does not hinge upon other games quality. It’s not a competition, plus they are very different games.

I 100% agree with all this. These feelings are very similar to mine. There definitely is some weirdly balanced parts. I got super into crafting at first, was able to craft legendary guns/armor by like lvl 35 or so, and it became pretty unbalanced. I ended up turning the difficulty up to Very hard around then, and by

Totally. I think it’s something that really got lost in all the bad press - just how impressive the city and world are. I really can’t think of any other open world game that has that level of detail, just, everywhere. Everything just seems so dense, and none of it seems to be repeating. Also the fact that it very

Definitely. I still loved the game, but its obvious it needed more time. 

THIS! Perfectly said all of it. I’ve been talking a lot about all this with my buddy who is playing it on PC. It’s a trip. The whole “its unplayable” thing is ridiculous. It’s not great on old consoles (saw it on my other buddies xbox) but it’s definitely playable and not even that bad. And I’ve noticed the same thing

Hell yea! Same here, just waiting for some DLC or anything really. I literally did everything there is to. Was legit sad when it all ended. 

Man, I’m really pulling for Cyberpunk. I just finally set the controller down on my playthrough on Series X after about 10o hours, dusted the entire map, and I loved it. Fantastic game. I’m over being angry or anything like that about Cyberpunk. Was it janky and buggy Yes. Did it crash a few times on me? Yes. Does it

Yea I agree with this. I’ve dusted the whole game now, 100 hours or so, and I can definitely say there is no way this game should have come out for older consoles. There is just so much going on, the city is so dense with detail, there is nothing close to it on older consoles. I just can’t picture it running with that

That’s not true. I played it on Xbox Series X, and it plays like butter on performance mode. At least framerate wise, never dipped at all, super smooth and looked great. If anything it seemed like the console could handle a lot more.

You took the words right outta my brain! I was going to say the same thing to the tune of - hm? I was surprised by the start of this review. I played it on Wii U and I remember thinking it was probably the best controlling Mario game I’ve ever played. Really smooth, great controls, great camera. Just an all around

Ok.. Lol I kinda figured but still I was like whaaaaa....

Lol wtf? God I hope you’re joking.. 

Wtf are you going on about? 

I played it for the first couple weeks. At first I thought it was pretty damn good! But then as I played more, I started to find it to be pretty shallow. It just didn’t really have a strong “hook”... It was fun in short bursts, but didn’t have near the fun factor of similar games like Overwatch.

I am torn between thinking this looks amazing and thinking it looks kind of, I dunno, janky? I love the setting and the overall art style / vibe. But the combat and just overall gameplay looks like it might be kinda rough. It’s really hard to know with a game like this. But it gets major kudo points from for just