
I was gonna make a comment similar, but you pretty much nailed it. I am about 60 hours in right now on Xbox series X, and it plays great. Only some minor bugs for me. Nothing that really bothers me that much.

Ah nice thanks! I do, I’ll check it out. Looking through it right now it looks a pretty chill place. Nice.

Totally agree on all this! The gunplay is so much fun. It’s one of those games where I feel like it takes a little bit of effort on the player to get the most out of. I’ve just started using a Katana all the time, combined with double jump and a smart SMG, and its so much fun and hectic. Completely changed the feel of

Glad it’s been decent for you!

Oh for sure. I really want to be clear I am not trying to defend that. They definitely shouldn’t have advertised them and just scrapped them to be honest. It’s messed up. It just sucks even more because I think the game is good.

Oh dude totally!! Once again, totally agree on all points. It’s cool to talk to someone like this, sometimes I feel kinda like I’m crazy - been having this sort of isolated experience of loving it, and then I go online and it’s like hmm maybe I should hate it? lol ;D

I am one of the rare “super positive” people I guess! Or maybe we are just are the ones aren’t on message boards as much? That really is what I think sometimes. I’ve been playing on xbox series X since launch week, and my experience has been super positive. I really love the game. I’m about 50 hrs in, and I can

Took the words right outta my mouth!! It’s been such a weird, polarizing thing to talk about. I am about 60 hours in on Xbox series X and I absolutely love it. I play it as much as I can, and I am constantly thinking about it while I am at work. It’s really got it’s hooks in me.

1) BB

Just wanted to share my 2 cents after about 5-10 hours this weekend with it - Playing on Xbox One X, it plays pretty well. My buddy has a series X, and definitely not as good as that, but overall pretty good. My experience has been overall positive and it’s definitely a fantastic game. Like nothing I’ve really seen

You’re not alone! I absolutely loved Hades and think it should have won, but I don’t agree with everyone saying Ghosts should win, GOTY or really anything. I liked the art style and it had a pretty world, but outside of that I found it very generic and boring. I barely finished it. 

You took the words right outta my mouth! Hades got fuckin robbed!! I mean, it  didn’t have to win everything, but Art Direction?? It didn’t win art direction?! Are you kidding me?? 

lol! That is so god damn true.

Full disagree! It’s all opinion and preference obviously - but for me I way prefer the xbox controller. It’s one of the small things that actually keeps me on xbox more. The xbox controller just feels so much more comfortable to me - the positions of the joysticks, the overall shape, feels a little more weighty. I

Ah yes! I love SO getting some positive attention. I loved that game and will defend it until I die. It really bummed me out how it just kind of slid under the radar. I always felt like it was kind of under-appreciated. It got pretty good press, and I know it had some issues - the general tone and story were kinda

Lol!! Right? I guess I’ll have to just be obnoxious and post about my new gaming monitor on facebook a bunch  ;D 

Man, that is tempting! Not a horrible price either... The only thing for me is, can you actually turn that logo projection off? I know it sounds silly, but that would drive me crazy. 

I don’t have much to say other than this game looks awesome! Really impressive footage. Looking forward to it. 

I really liked it! Super impressed with the demo. Games should really release more demos. I mean, this was the perfect demo, in that I wasn’t really planning on getting this game, and by the end I was totally sold on getting it.

Oh I’m absolutely insane. I’ve been drinking Green Tea all god damn day!!