
Lol how am I being a drama queen? My first comment was just a little joke... 

Omg the game is never coming out!!

Oh yea, you hit the nail on the head! It’s slow attack is definitely the hardest thing to get used to. The key is anticipating the enemies, for me. Because it has that 3 hit cycle - that 3rd strike hits super hard, so I’ll usually just start striking as soon as the spawn symbol appears, so I immediately hit with the

I just got a pretty funny one, I can’t remember the exact wording, but it was something alone the lines of - “Zagreus sees a red pool, coming from the pool is an ominous voice telling him to enter the pool. Zagreus being the naive prince he is, leans in and enters the pool and.....” and then he dies. Lol 

Haha so it’s not just me! It’s super strong huh? I have it all the way upgraded, and I am destroying runs. Although I am on heat 10 now, and it definitely is getting harder... 

Oh man, that sucks! Yea, it kind of mysterious how it works to unlock those hidden aspects. As the other one who replied to you here - the hidden aspect of Sygius is awesome too, I wouldn’t quite call it game breaking, but it’s super strong. 

Omg the one about 1/2 the way down, the pic of the starting area of Asphodel - that one literally made my heart jump because it has like 5 fishing points! Jesus I would kill for that many fishing points in one area! Lol

Oh yea, all kidding aside I do love her design! That sultry voice is a huge part of it too. All the voice acting in this game is so good. 

It’s all about Nyx for me. She can be my BDSM dominatrix any day. TELL ME I’M NOT WORTHY NYX!

Jeez, and here I am after a week of solid playing, struggling to consistently get to world 2... This game is a struggle for me. I love it, but I suck. 

Haha oh for sure! I agree on the last point about Nintendo in general, they definitely make some games that inspire feelings in people.

Yea I could see that! I actually found myself missing the N64 controller. I loved that weird, strange beast... 

I am going to say I am squarely in the “this game is hella fun and I don’t get the hate camp”.... Well, I guess I shouldn’t say that, it is a pretty strange game. I can see it might not appeal to a lot of people.

This is an incredibly cynical and just plain inaccurate view of this game. I don’t know what you are referencing at all. I just finished the campaign on Monday (dusted it, loved it), and it doesn’t play like that at all. The game is a HUGE love letter to Marvel and comic books, and being a fan in general. A huge beat

YES! So much yes. The wii controls were pretty non-invasive, but I never fully clicked with them. This is a very welcome change to a great game. 

Kotaku is a shell of it’s former self and it’s sad. It’s fallen from grace so fast and so hard.

Yup, that’s me! At my company (health care company in CA, IT job) we get our 3 or 4 weeks PTO a year, depending on how long you’ve worked here, and that is it. You use that for medical leave, bdays, child being born. Doesn’t matter. PTO or nothing. 

Yea, I was gonna come in and say the same thing. I’m not defending it, it sucks. But at my IT job we have PTO that is earned each pay period, and that is it. You use that for sick days, birthdays, anything. It’s all PTO and that is it. 

No, that’s not what they’re saying at all! That’s quite a reach by you, I would say. They are saying that yea, this is how most jobs are in the US. Is it shitty? Absolutely. But it’s the truth.

Hard agree as well. Thank god for latest tab. This new look is absolutely horrendous.