
God, 12 year old me would have salivated at this game in the N64 age. Would have absolutely played this game!

God, it never ends. I’m a newish homeowner, and I still haven’t really gotten used to the stress. I’ll wake up in the middle of the night sometimes like “What is that DRIP?!”

Oh does it get harder? That’s good to hear. I assumed (hoped) it would get a little harder once I get to the other maps...

Awesome news on the harder difficulty!! I was just talking to my coworker this morning about this...

Soooo, Native Americans are the only ones who can use the word spirit?

FOR REAL! I’m not defending Ellen or anything, but that person sounded pretty intense. I mean, we can’t say spirit animal now? That seems a little ridiculous. It’s just a dumb saying with no meaning at all. Like the word “spirit” belongs to one culture? 

ok, I’m not really going to argue or say you’re wrong. But the “KILL DOGS LOL”  is absolutely untrue. There is nothing in this game where it ever makes light of the violence in it, or makes you feel good about it. The dog you kill in a cutscene, very much makes it known that it’s fucked up. 

I just finished the game for the 1st time (loved it), and I am absolutely embarrassed by some of the discourse online. The messages and reactions, and just overall words some people use make me feel embarrassed to even call myself a gamer.

I do like that little audio cue that happens when people can see you though. I don’t really know how to explain it, but its kind of like this “wooooosh” sound that plays when you step out of cover, and can be seen. Not necesarily that you ARE seen, but just that you can be. The audio in this game in general is so good

Yup, seconded what you all said! I am playing on Hard as well (didn’t mess with any sliders) and it’s perfect. It almost seems like it should just be “normal” to me. It’s not overly hard, it makes it feel just right to me. I found TLOU 1 to be a little too easy on normal. 

Ditto on what IamSpartcus said - I’m only about halfway but it’s amazing imo. I’m not even much of a stealth game kinda guy, but I love it. It’s just so well done and smooth, so many options for taking out people. The AI is really good too. I’ve been loving the game all around. I also agree that it’s better than TLOU

Yup, totally! 100% on all this. I feel the same.

It’s hard to for me to say much more other than, it’s a fantastic game. The only constant I’ve seen is “I watched it in youtube and don’t like it”

Perfectly said! I thought the same thing, half these comments here sound like they are coming from people who haven’t played the game. Ellie and Deana come across as very subdued, grounded, and real imo. 

What? I seriously don’t know you’re talking about. “seems to suffer the most when she’s embracing her queerness” Where did you get that from? I haven’t seen anything like that at all. There is only 1 tiny little moment in the the beginning, when a dude is an asshole, that I could only see being that. But he is

I am about 10 hours in, and all I can say is it’s easily one of the best games I’ve ever played. Hands down. It’s just so well realized in every way. It’s smooth, beautiful, oozes confidence in it’s storytelling, and is just a huge step for the medium in almost every way. The gameplay is top notch. If you don’t like

Yea, same with me. I’m actually having a pretty great time with the game. But I’ve only played it like maybe 4 hours and cleared the last area last night. I know there is other difficulties and what not, but man pretty short.


Man, it sounds like based on your article and the comments in here I am in the minority. So maybe I can offer a different view for anyone thinking about it -

Oh ok, thank you. Fair enough.. They still are marketing it like “next gen game!” kind of funnily.