
This whole “reveal” is total BS...

THIS! God, so this. The topic of these movies always generates a lot of hate, but I feel like people just like to downplay what he does. Are they most “artistic” movies made? Hell no... But does Jame Cameron just seem to have a really good understanding of what audiences want? Hell yes.

I totally agree with this! I’ve defended him in conversations a bunch of times. Whenever people try to say he’s an asshole, I gently point them to his UK shows. It’s clear he cares. And more so, he is usually right! He just seems like an asshole because he says the thing no one really wants to say. To some people that

Hell yea! You know, I’ve thought about playing Paladins for a while now. Never tried.

Yup! It’s like you took the words outta my mouth. 

Ok, fair enough! I mean hey, part of comments like mine up there is seeing what everyone else thinks and learning what the overall community thinks.

Ok hey I hear you... I know team comp is important. To be clear though, I didn’t mean that I ONLY played Tracer. It’s just what I find the most enjoyment out of playing. But that was what I settled into. At first I was hardcore Dva, then Winston, and then a had a huge stretch of Zarya. So now a days I usually cycle

I gotta say - I’m with him. Overwatch is pretty dead. I just lost all passion for it as well.

Ah man, can’t say I’m surprised but dang! Good luck Jason, you will be missed. I’ve been following you, Kotaku, and especially Splitscreen forever. Your book is awesome as well! I will definitely follow the new podcast as well! Can’t wait. 

Lol ya.. I for sure can understand though, it is a very exhausting game! It’s a lot coming at ya pretty much nonstop. 

Eh. I haven’t played this new one, but I am one of those people. I’ve been deep in Doom Eternal. I feel like I am one of the only ones who is super into Doom instead of Animal Crossing right now.

LOL! “Almost” 

Great article Stephen! Just like others have said here, I know I personally really appreciate you and everyone at Kotaku, keepin’ it going. Kotaku provides at least a small window of stress-free happiness in my day, and I Thank You for that.

Do it. Stop using the site. I dare you. Spare us all! 


Lol ummm.. Ok, I guess maybe? God the internet is weird. 

Wow. I am all for a joke, a joke is a joke. But that’s still pretty messed up. Maybe she’s just like, not a very good person?

I just finished The Golden Compass yesterday. Great book! I feel like it’s kind of gotten overshadowed throughout the years (the bad movie n’ what not) but I thought it was great! I read it after watching the new HBO show, which I really liked as well. Definitely moving on to book 2 - The Subtle Knife. I would

Yea, that might not be a bad call. I wouldn’t say it’s broken, but it could definitely use maybe a couple patches. 

Hmm interesting. Yea, I noticed that too. You can’t really do anything with them, just interact and get a bunch of bleep boops... That sounds about right, there must be some order or specific sequence. Hmmm.