
Oh man, I was wondering when someone was gonna talk about these!

I played about an hour last night and man, it can’t be overstated enough - what a BEAUTIFUL game!! I mean, it’s just so magical and alive and full of color. Really just puts ya in a “mood” right off the bat.

This is a very even response! Well done. I like the souldborne games, but this is very true as well. 

For sure, I know they are very different types of games going for different things. I get that it’s going to be a much more grounded, realistic, history approach. And that sounds awesome to me! I have no problem with that.

Nice, thank you!

Damn, looking pretty dang good! It’s going to be interesting playing this game on the heels of Sekiro. Sekiro set the bar so high it’s going to be hard. But this does look good. Also I believe they said it will have a full japanese voice track right? The english kinda throws if off a little bit imo. 

That’s such BS. That no one wants? Are you kidding me? I live in CA and I know it’s a very “wussy liberal” place and we all want bernie anyway. But everything Bernie outlines is good for the people. Period. You’d have to be delusional in my opinion to say everything is going just GREAT in our country. 

Lol whatever dude. It’s not really a white knight. It’s more like, just being a normal ok person. Didn’t anyone ever tell you its not ok to call random people you don’t even know bad words? 

Dude, you need to chill man holy shit. It’s fine if you don’t like her articles but really?? You gotta tell her to fuck herself and call her a whiny bitch too? All while admitting you didn’t even read it? I mean jesus christ man. It’s an article about a cartoon show on netflix. Maybe find some other hobbies that you

Jesus, well that comment escalated quickly! Lol.... While I don’t agree with you, at first it was like “ok ok this maybe some logical points... wait.. what... oh. ok”

Man, your load times up there sound NICE tho!! Like I would probably trade you. I am playing on an Xbox one X and I have 100mb internet, last time I booted up Destiny 2 it took a solid 6-8 minutes until I was at the tower and ready to play. And one point I just sat there staring at a generic outer space screen (like

Oh wow, ok lol. So you’re really not getting the joke... 

hahah ummm... What? That’s quite the leap in logic. And also, how in the hell is Ronda “suffering?” 

Lol! Nice. 

Yea I totally agree with that as well. It’s really hard to go back to a game for me now a days. 

Well, I totally agree with the main point of this article and their words did nothing to convince me at all. I mean, if people like it and all that, more power to them. But I think I will safely just ignore this DLC. The single player was great, but I played the multiplayer for about 20 minutes and never felt inclined

Honestly that’s awesome. Nothing to be ashamed of! lol 

I frickin’ loved Sunset Overdrive. Probably one of my favorite games ever. I’m just a sucker for fluid movement, and that game probably has some of the best movement ever in a game. I really feel like it’s get underrated in that department. 

Oh yes, it definitely has a story. It can be pretty simplistic, and honestly what you said up there is pretty accurate in a lotta ways lol. But it also just has really good fights, great animation, great characters. It’s pretty cheesey and can be very long and drawn out. But if you just accept that, it’s a great show.

I’m with you! I think the story is really good and I even love the flaws in a weird way. It just works for me.