
This is super untrue lol. I am deep in re-watching it right now and that is a very simple summary of the plot. 

I love DBZ and will defend it until I die. I am 31 years old, and I love it just as much as when I was a kid.

Ah man I LOVED Kingpin!! I’m sure it kind of a mediocre game now, but I totally remember it and loved it back in the day. I vividly remember that first section, you’re wandering around these dark alleys talking to thugs n stuff. I remember it being so impressive back then.

Yea for sure. It didn’t really bother me back then either. But if I am remembering correctly didn’t dark moon have like abilites and upgrades you could buy?

Ah god they screwed the pooch big time on that part of the game - how pointless money is. I had so much money by the end. I was basically just mobbin’ through the game because there was no point to do any of the side stuff. 

DBZ with the goose is the game I want more than the actual DBZ game. 

Yup, totally agree.

Oh totally! thanks for reading, I do enjoy a good Star Wars Debate! Sorry if I came across a little heated.... You make solid points as well. Honestly it sounds like we actually overall agree and have a lot of the same feelings about SW as a whole. The Force Awakens was great, I totally agree. It’s even more great

This is actually a highly accurate summary! lol

Ah god I just gotta reply here and rant a bit about the parry mechanic! You too huh?? I really love action games, and definitely get into the deep mechanics and feel of an action game. And this games parry (and really combat in general) was just off. Like, the game overall was good. But by the end I came to think the

Ah that’s awsesome!! No problem. It really is a special game, I have a feeling that once you really get the ball rolling, you will love it. Also ya I read those other replies to you, and they are totally right. I honestly forgot about thet meditating (it’s been a while). But the part about using your powers is very

Eh sounds like you got it handled with the PC.. But I wouldn’t say Control framerate was ever an issue. I played on PS4 pro, and yea every now n’ then when a crazy amount of stuff was happening, it would chug for a second. But it was only when it was absolutely crazy and it’d only do it for a second. Far from a big

Nah, I don’t think those games really make it age worse or it’s really lost much of what people love about it.. You just have to understand it’s a pretty hardcore type RPG. It definitely is kind of slow, and it’s really long. It really is the kinda game that expects you to put in effort and time to learn it’s systems

Hearts of Stone was fantastic!

Oh gimme a break. Kotaku is far from the only place that praises the game. It’s a fantastic game. I absolutely adore the game, one of my top games of all time. But I can understand the criticism of its combat. You’re dismissive “it’s really just a bad ARPG game with a serviceable story” Ok sure.

Man, really? I know its all opinion and it’s subjective - But it’s truly hard for me to grasp how one can watch TLJ and say “ that had good directing, or editing, or photography, or even dialogue (this I am little less harsh on)

I am just going to side-step the whole deabte of which Star Wars film is better etc... and say the most interesting debate coming out of ROS, is the debate of critics vs. audience...

I don’t really think they are ignored per se. I remember when TFA came out people blasted on it quite a bit. I just think TLJ sort of over shadowed them. TFA definitely has problems, but I would argue that it atleast had a much clearly trajectory for future movies than TLJ did. 

Hmm well, that all sounds pretty damn convincing! Good info, thank you. I may just get it on switch. I saw it on sale for like 20$ just the other day. Very tempting! 

Jesus christ calm down. yeesh. His comment seemend like a pretty fair honest question. You obviously have some toxicity in you, good lord. You don’t need to jump down their throat. And bring some weird like judgy sentence about nonsense at the end there.