Future Thawne-as-Barry put together a hell of a cool team. Well, except for Chillblaine. It would have been really gratifying if future Damian Darhk had murdered him
Future Thawne-as-Barry put together a hell of a cool team. Well, except for Chillblaine. It would have been really gratifying if future Damian Darhk had murdered him
One of the main things that The Flash is based on is Barry and Iris’ relationship. That’s great, but after six seasons they’ve done most of the mining that they can on it. Now they’re trying to replicate it to bring in new opportunities for storylines, and that’s not great. Chester and Allegra don’t have that spark…
It’s strange that it exists, but it’s not “the strangest holiday offering”, it was aggressively normal. (Also, one of the gifts near the end is a box -- maybe DVDs? -- labeled “Legends of TomorrBO”. That is indeed the extent of the references.)
Fingers crossed when Echo gets her own show, he'll get a few flashbacks.
I hope the big man does turn out to be Kingpin, since they’re already connected in the comics — but you’d think they would’ve given him a white suit-sleeve instead of black, then...
I was so happy to see him, combined with the sad realization he was about to be offed.
That episode was definitely an A for me. Everything just clicked: the action scenes, the comedy, the dramatic scenes, the acting in general... By the time the credits were rolling, I was convinced that 6 episodes of this duo wouldn’t be enough. Bishop and Barton might be different from their comic counterparts but the…
While I loved the car chase scene, I was also thrown off how chill Kate seemed to be about brutally killing someone. As there was no way in hell the driver of that van survived that kind of an explosion. What made it even weirder is that the rest of chase they went out of their way to show how no one died, even that…
When McClarnon showed up I gave out a whoop! Love this guy. So good in Westworld.
I’m willing to believe Vincent D’Onofrio actually filmed that scene, he seems like the fun type of person who’d do that.
I don’t even care if they ignore the Netflix show canon, just wave their hands and say “multiverse,” whatever, they just need to keep (most of) the actors. Which if this is Kingpin it needs to be d’Onofrio.
I thought we all agreed that if we were adopting a change it was going to the be the “Beeboverse” ... which the special kind of confirms.
I generally haven’t been a fan of Hawkeye but I loved this episode so much.
But where is my Beebo toy, CW? Where is it?
Not from what I’ve seen. It’s clear they hate money.
Also, it was the late 70s and any flash in the pan that caught even a ripple of fame was given their own prime time variety special sponsored by All of the Cocaine. These things were a dime a dozen back then.
Okay but is there still really no official Beebo merch?
“If you were flipping through however many TV channels there were in 1978, when the Star Wars Holiday Special had its first and only airing, what would you have thought? Would you be confused by the celebrity cameos and musical numbers... ?”
This is amazing. I had no idea this was happening so I’ll consider this an early Christmas gift. Now the CW just needs to sell a real life Beebo doll and I will be happy.