
!! that’s very cool and I’m mad at myself for not realizing.

And do it twice.

Flash's Gideon has always been voiced by Morena Baccarin. 

  • Despero’s monologue was just so over the top. With all of the turn arounds combined with camera cuts. Drama much?


It seems weird to keep calling it the Arrowverse more than a year after the end of Arrow.

Not really that big of a deal to me to lose Star Labs. Feel kind of like the knights deciding it was okay not to go to Camelot in Monty Python & the Holy Grail. “It’s a silly place.”

It’s The Beeboverse, Grodd damn it!

Well, they’re sticking with Barry’s perspective including “lost time” and all, which helps build paranoia. It’s effective so far.

- Just to note, the closed captioning spelled it “Xotar.”

Now playing

“Barry it looks like there’s an alien who can drive people insane”

I highly doubt that Joe is dead (Jesse Martin deserves a proper send-off), and it would be remarkable if they kept it. I suspect Reverse Flash is behind all of this; it’s too perfect not to be him. Despero is a bit annoying in his insistence, and his self-righteousness, which isn’t how I want the character to be

Mick once warned Mona not to push the red button in the bathroom. Now we know why

> Speaking of Gideon: her mean-version’s logic, where changing the timeline so close to a cataclysmic event such as Chernobyl doesn’t have any serious ramifications because of the chaos involved, feels like it was plucked from Marvel’s time-travel show, Loki.

Strangely didn’t mind Bishop in this one, being the unwitting fool done something to make him less annoying. Time mistress Ava was funny in her own way and i hope the Legends come across her at some point. I found it morbidly hilarious how ‘evil’ Gideon slowly took over eventually trapping and getting rid of Ava.

Sarah booted Kayla from the ship without a pod, and she wound up in Cuba for our Kennedy football episode. Whether or not her alien physiology helped her survive it, well, who knows, but it’s possible.

After seeing how sad Ray was that Nate’s been missing their dates, I can’t imagine him taking the totem news well. Let’s just hope that he has a way to get out for guy’s night.

I also suspect this is something we’re going to circle back to because they’re in the time stream, not space, and she’s gonna pop out somewhere, pissed.

Shameless shipping post:

No one is going mention how Mean-Gideon went all Hal on Assistant Ava’s Bowman?