This may be my new favorite episode.
This may be my new favorite episode.
Knocking on doors in GA will get you shot. I’m a GA resident. Yes I’m voting Democratic.
I applied for my absentee ballot Saturday afternoon. Will fill it out and drop it off at the box down the street ASAP.
Whatever you do, don’t waste your $ on things like the Lincoln Project. Give it to the folks actually on the ground turning out votes.
I don’t know how you could possibly think that this episode was suggesting “both sides are bad” or any sort of equivalency between Nazis and progressives. That’s just ridiculous. Some people fake/use progressivism in order to gain power and wealth; Neuman is one of those people.
Wait, WHAT??? Netflix removed ‘AD&D’? One of the finest half-hours of TV comedy EVER MADE??? WHY? Was it Chang’s blackface?? (He was a Drow, ffs!!)
I like the power imbalance because it forces the Boys to be clever where Seven relay on pure force. This makes the supes complacent - they can brute force almost anything and the rest Vought will clean up. They have all the money and power in the world. The Boys only have conviction and smarts and they have to find…
Lamplighter affirmed my deeply held belief that anyone who uses word “cuck” is waste of time. Testifying for Congress would’ve been a better use of his suicide than burning himself.
He self immolated, not for any cause other than his own melodrama.
The cold open was chilling. The way they build up to the shooting was perfect. The whole thing with he was quiet and kind to his mother. The same mother who watched the same skewed media he did. The idolisation of Stormfront leading him exactly where she wanted him to be. And then denouncing his act while seamlessly…
I was looking into this the moment I saw the word “deferred”. A lot of people I talked to didn’t seem to realize that, no, this isn’t “free” money. This is essentially a loan given to you, taken from your own paycheck. I wouldn’t bet on it being forgiven.
I applaud the AV Club stance on this!
This has been a trend more than once in celestial type characters. So while the roles seem swapped. That may or may not be the case.
So, yeah, this was Lauren German’s best work. She fully, 110% inhabited the role of Jack Monroe. I saw that old vet in German’s acting. And she sold the love story. What a lovely send-up of an episode.
I think Tricia Helfer has been in the opening credits of every episode this season, so it was nice to see her finally show up. She (and everybody else) was really good in this.
I’m really glad this episode was completely different than what everyone was guessing. The most popular theory was that this was the Goddess’s universe. Thank goodness we got this instead.
I agree that this episode is kind of weak from the standpoint of the show within a show (both episodes of Supernatural mentioned are stone cold classics) but it was fun anyways. And I absolutely loved Maze’s reaction to her character’s casting. She’s like Toph from ATLA, during Ember Island Players.
I think you’re oversimplifying it.
The one and only complaint that I have about this show is the timeline. If Lucifer found out a little over a year ago about Chloe being a gift from God, then that means that Dan has been through the fucking ringer. He got divorced, fell in love with the actual Goddess of creation (lost her), then fell in love with the…