
Simmons makes Sousa an upgraded prosthetic leg, and Daisy tells her surrogate robot dad that she is glad he stayed (which makes Coulson  happy). All of my dreams for Sousa becoming part of the team seems to be coming true. Please do not be deceiving me show

The new Hulu time loop movie Palm Springs also is a great portrayal of one of those infinite time loops that you might have heard about. And its fun montage might be the best ever (will Agents of SHIELD even try one of those??)

It looks like everyone is getting upgrades. May’s powers are growing and she no longer needs to touch people to feel what they are feeling. Including “reunions” in other rooms. The constant burden of empaths and telepaths.

Nah...those 2 have too much chemistry, and it might knock Cal out of the running and cause Daisy to not be born. ;)

It was nice to see Jiaying before Whitehall. One who appreciates all gifts not only her people’s. It was also great to see her reaction to SHIELD coming wasn’t completely unjustified. That Nathaniel invasion was exactly what she said SHIELD was back in the future. Still, her story still may happen in similar way since

I mean they could still have Enver and Dichen meet up since it doesn’t look like we’re gone with the Afterlife business.

Okay, it should be against the law to have Dichen and Enver in an episode and not have them share any screen time. That was bullshit. Everything else was pretty fun, except for Nathanial, who’s just a massive dweeb and I can’t wait to see Daisy push his weaselly face in.

-and it had consequences that however many times he did before obviously didn’t.

Hulu is actually a really good service, though I really hate their layout.  The ‘no ads’ version is fantastic for watching TV Shows and realizing just how much time commercials really take...20 minutes for a sitcom feels weird, but somehow just right.

I like that his view changed on sleeping with her once she was stuck with him--and it had consequences that however many times he did before obviously didn’t.  I also like to think his talking about how the stuff you do does start to matter in your head was also pertaining to sleeping with people (along with murder,

Gonna throw some notes up here having watched it. So SPOILERS obviously:

I just watched this over the weekend and like it quite a bit. They do a good job of not rehashing Groundhog Day, but building on it. Even Edge of Tomorrow didn’t have more than one person stuck in the loop. Admittedly, I’ve always been a fan of Samberg, and Christina Milioti is quickly becoming a favorite as well.

I just watched this because I stan Andy Samberg. Gah, it’s really good for what it is. Much more nuanced than it first appears to me. Lots of trope busting, excellent writing, great casting, solid jokes, and very well plotted and paced. The internal logic is sound and it drops its information bits right at the needed

Damn, really REALLY nicely explained. I really connected with this movie. You probably summed up a good part of why. You’d think that’d make it seem nihilistic, but it’s really not. It’s all the positive parts of “being good without god” without being smug or overt about it. Even at the end, it flips the expectation

It’s funny and hangs together well as a movie. I don’t know if that’s incentive, but it’s plenty for a high concept romantic comedy.

This one doesn’t lay it on too thick, but one of the running jokes/themes is that the memories of doing terrible stuff in the loop would be pretty traumatizing even if (or because) they don’t “count.”

You wonder, briefly, if Samberg can really play a romantic lead”

This was pretty fun. Milioti was great, Samberg was more tolerable than anything else I’ve seen him in, and JK Simmons stole the show, as he is wont to do.

Just saw and really enjoyed. Andy and Cristin have really great chemistry—as do Andy and J.K. Simmons.

Cristin Milioti looks wildly charming in this. Her characters never get a break