Supergirl now has a world where Lex Luthor is a beloved national treasure, whereas beforehand he was a dead convicted supervillain.
Supergirl now has a world where Lex Luthor is a beloved national treasure, whereas beforehand he was a dead convicted supervillain.
Two other Supergirl references on tonight’s episode: Barry suggesting to Dig that they call the DEO, and the revelation that McCulloch’s building had been broken into by Obsidian Tech.
A) There is no need to change the timeline to get Zari’s (and everyone else’s) memories back. We’ve already seen it done on Legends with that device they used to remember their old selves when Damien Dahrk and co changed timeline. It might be still lying around somewhere on the ship.
giant menacing Furby? Do not talk about your lord and savior, Beebo, like that! Praise Beebo!
I guess it’s only fitting that Barry, who assembled the SuperFriends and granted them the hangout spot, would be the one to at least ask about getting the DEO to help him and Diggle even if their quest turned out to be emotional rather than physical.
That said, I just about lost my mind at Cisco not deducing that this…
The writers of Crisis explained the new “multiverse” shown at the end of crisis as they were mandated by DC to do that, as they did not want it implied that their other properties, like Stargirl (coming to the CW next fall) or Green Lantern or Doom Patrol were destroyed. However, they heavily implied that Earth Prime…
According to Screen Rant, Cisco won’t be gone long...
It makes no sense that Ava is a team member, she does not have powers, and she does not play well with others, and really does not belong anywhere. She is perfect, definitely a Legend! She fits right in.
Yes, she does. Not from Waverider as he hopes but from her childhood. She even finds the photos from the Heyworld.
She didn’t remember “remember” Nate but she figured out that he had been there at Hey World! when she got famous as dragon girl. So she remembers Nate as a dude from her childhood but not as her adult self was in love with before they changed her future.
How could you call our one blue god a “giant menacing Furby”?! I am pretty sure for those who don’t watch Legends were pretty baffled as to what was happening during that last Crisis episode.
Bless whichever writer had Cecile state that running that article was extremely ill-advised, due to lack of evidence. Kara Danvers needs more Cecile’s in her city.
I liked that underneath the vapid exterior, she was still Zari. She figured out a lot in a relatively short amount of time. And she operated her fame as a pretty efficient business enterprise.
Okay Carlos Valdes needs to either leave the show or not, but we can’t keep doing this thing where it looks like Cisco’s leaving but wait no he’s actually not.
I was so happy to see Zari back and then she was an influencer (holographic cat ears on the phone included) and I was so sorry. This might be much better future but it’s still not good for everyone. But you’re right, Zari’s new fame made sense for the “dragon girl”. She made the most of her to make her initial 15 min…
I very much like the idea of what comes next when a characters special destiny comes and goes, so the buildup then swerve of Barry dying in the Crisis works for me.
Danielle said in a recent Twitter chat that she was going to be written out of some episodes in the back half of the season due to her pregnancy
“Don’t worry. I never miss twice.” says Dr. Light, before making her third attempt on Iris.
I loved that the lesson everyone had to learn today was to take the long route and stop rushing everything. Death is no longer imminent. They can take all the time Oliver gave them to figure it all out.
- I really like laid back Frost.
- Of course she likes Magenta. The other multiple personality villain.
- I thought that Diggle was going to pull out the Green Lantern ring.
- Why doesn’t Blackhole just let them sue The Citizen into the ground?
- Isn’t Hoshi the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” Dr. Light?
- So Jesse is gone.…