The Ultimate SJW

Really bugs me when creators blame audiences for not seeing a movie. Sandra Bullock I believe did that with Ocean’s 8 too, and it’s far more damaging than audiences not actually seeing the movie. Neither movie was particularly well-received by critics, and word of mouth was weak, and both had overstuffed budgets. By

Comparatively, Atomic Blonde made $100 million at the Box Office.

This leads us to one question....is Joe Flacco an elite backup quarterback?

I think that’s always been one of the big issues and one that they’ve rarely addressed. For all the big talk about a new, free internet and this great, idealistic technology, they have no real way to control how the tech is used. Richard will never be able to overcome the desire for profit that ultimately drives most

The whole thing with Games of Galoo shows a major implementation problem with Richard’s idealistic decentralized internet. Any company that chooses to use it can just decide to collect user data, it seems.

So I guess the obvious question would be, where can I go to see the change VP Biden plans to put forward that he and Barrack didn't?

So let me get this straight. The Jets would have rather played an injured player who can’t give 100% than a healthy player at 100%.

So there’s the Jets and Mets, obviously. Which NBA training staff is considered bottom-of-the-barrel? Bulls? Knicks? Suns?

He was in poor health at 93 years old and Cinder took full advantage, gaining quite a bit of weight (as you can see!)

What do you expect? None of them are from China where the NBA is owned.

The answer was literally The Answer this time. 

I’m amazed this is a thing.  How much does inpatient fat cat rehabilitation cost?

At least two of the kids with that damn Starter jacket stuck around. 

Im sorry did you say "Hornets FANS?" Please rephrase so that the human mind can comprehend.

Big shout out to Lebron for keeping the do-rag alive. Love it.

I lived in the East Bay from 2012-2014, and rode a BART line that passed the Coliseum stop on its way to deep suburbia. I would see a really diverse group of folks going to Dubs games: lots of Filipinos and Polynesians from the close-in parts of the Peninsula, blacks and Latinos from The City and the other parts of

Came here to ask: Does she have a giant marshmallow on her head?

It also sounds like she doesn’t know what stoic means. Or real human emotions for that matter.

You inspire me with your calm, stoic disposition and unwavering prioritization of that which matters most in life.

What the fuck is that on her head? She looks ridiculous