Future Man was good.
Future Man was good.
Anyone who isn’t finding value in the gamepass is bonkers-crazy-pants or has already spent their money on every game to come out each month. As someone on a tight budget, there is at least one game announced each month that pays for the whole subscription. I can understand un-subbing because you just don’t have the…
I’d like to see an updated release of the original Thief games.
Okay but how do you not mention Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, which had a dedicated kick button and was developed by Arkane themselves!!!
It’s spelt “psyche”!
even hardcore Marvel nerds might greet with a “Really? They’re doing a Moon Knight show?”
Always happy to get remastered versions of games I love (though how happy might depend on the price point, as I still own all the originals). Won’t lie, though: I was hoping for more of a ‘remake’, at least as far as the first game is concerned, as I would have loved for BioWare to tweak its actual gameplay to be more…
Goyer backs up that it was a “difficult” and “painful” shoot and tacitly confirms it with an “as has been reported.”
It’s also been supported by third party visitors to the set. Now, there are two sides to every story, and there are a ton of racial issues to address in Hollywood.
But it’s not a he said/he said…
Her husband, who directs the movies she’s in.
I’ll get to enjoy it now vs later as I would be getting it regardless.
and “Hart,” like “Candy,” is a noun if you spell it differently
I am SO excited What We Do in the Shadows is nominated!!
I’m going to guess it’s some variation on “being a really shitty person.”
I’m really loving Travel Man. It’s on Hulu.
Richard Ayoade and a random British celebrity spend 48 hours pounding in all the sites and culture of one city within one days travel of the UK. It manages to cover a lot of stuff with dry humor and a total disdain for leisurely contemplation.
Not cool Randy!
It’s got two hours of battery life. Alienware reinvented the Sega Genesis Nomad for a new generation.
yeah, you’re right, this is definitely not a world in which Gamer Gate is relevant at all anymore, gooooooood catch.