
Fuck Hillary supporters who said “Nah, they aren’t tilting this thing towards Hillary” even though the DNC head WAS a former Clinton Co-Chair? Fuck them for nominating a Female George Bush that got caught in lie, after lie, after lie and instead of owning up, decided to blame Russia and bemoan that Trump said mean

this is bargaining.

Fuck you and that reductionist bullshit. Not everything is misogyny. Hillary Clinton is a corporate war hawk who has backed some shady shit in the past. She is a schemer and people do not like her. She is a bad politician. She is unlikable. Yet the democratic leadership though it appropriate to rig the primary so she

Fuck the Democratic Party. Fuck you for nominating the only fucking candidate who’s disliked and distrusted enough to lose to Donald Fucking Trump. Fuck.

The DNC and the media (you) can take partial credit for shoving Hilary down our throats and pretending the criticisms Sanders’ made were not legitimate, when they were in fact everything. that mattered (not that you acknowledge it). You railroaded progressives, but it just didn’t work on the Republicans, and here we

Fuck you for pushing the most hated Democrat in the United States and expecting people to vote for her.

“We’ll win without you Bernie Bros, we don’t need you!!!!”

I appreciate the sentiment but its a little hard to believe right at this moment .

Point the finger at yourself and your attitude towards other Americans. The disdain, the condescension, the insults. You want to win elections? Act like Bernie and convince people. You tried the insulting condescension and didn’t get you anywhere.

We all played our part. Remember the smarmy comments of how much better Hillary was going to be an electable candidate? How she was going to blow Trump outta the water?

We middle of the road people told you she was a terrible choice for voters overall. You scoffed at us and called us Bernie Bros. Well, guess what, Bernie would have had this wrapped up by now.

Even if Clinton wins the answer is a resounding yes.

Really? I think it sounds kinda beautiful. I mean, isn’t that what we’re all looking for – someone who both understands us and cares enough to pay attention? That kind of relationship is precious and rare. Finding someone you can be vulnerable with is a good thing!

Can we all calm down with the selfies?

Right? The DNC can both *be* better than the *RNC* and still need to *do* better than they currently are. These are not contradictory.

What damaging stuff? If you’re gonna try to troll, do it competently, okay?

Calling her imperfect is like calling a shit sandwich not 5 star cuisine.

The guy who had an old racist woman say Obama was a Muslim at one of his rallies and his only response was to get uncomfortable and say that’s not true ma’am?

What does Donald Trump have to do with the bad things Hillary Clinton has done? Can I not say Pol Pot was a bad leader without someone else saying ‘well compared to Hitler he was actually far superior.’

There is no false equivalency. More than one thing can be bad at the same time. Two people can both do bad things, that doesn’t mean those two people are exactly the same.