
I am well aware of that. I don’t want to buy an older phone off Swappa. I want a new iPhone 6s Plus, and I’m not waiting months to get one.

I have no problem with contracts, and I’m a little pissed I can’t sign another one and get a subsidized phone. I have no reason to leave, so why not sign a contract? As I told a Verizon rep earlier, all they’re doing is making it easier for me to take my business elsewhere. My current plan is $60 for 2GB of data and

You’d be surprised. A 32GB Verizon iPhone 5S in good condition still sells for around $350 on Swappa. I wouldn’t call that “not worth anything”. An iPhone 5 in good condition will still sell for at least around $200. That’s not insignificant.

Yeah, I just noticed your comment recently because someone starred my previous comment in the thread. Oh well. lol

high speculation as to whether or not he was born in the US

For real. I was hooked the second I happened to touch my face a few days after I started to use one. I was like, “Holy shit. My skin feels so soft and clean!” My skin has been fantastic since I’ve been using mine.

All of those products, but not one of these?

I’m pissed that they referred to Hillary, top 5 presidential candidate, as “Mrs. Clinton”.

You don’t have to root for Hillary simply because she’s a woman in order to be a “good” feminist.

Terrible taste in names, too.

Money. They had to keep costs down somehow. Low cost means cutting features. They recently lost $2-4 million and had to sell surplus components on the secondary market.

This is really shitty. They’ve probably only got a few weeks left before they have a gap in coverage, and insurance companies aren’t cool with gaps unless they’re less than 30 days.

I got mine at Nordstrom, but I don’t know if you have those stores up there.

They’re selling them at places like Finish Line and Nordstrom. They’re not a limited edition.

Pretty much. In a lot of sneakers, I’ll wear at least a 10. My Chuck IIs are a 9.

Why don’t you just buy the originals? They’re still selling them.


Yes. I have a pretty flat, wide (EEE) foot, and the new Chucks are really plush.

I have EEE width feet. I’ve been wearing Chuck IIs all day without a problem. They do take a bit to form to the foot, though.

No line when I got mine. I just happened to see them in Nordstrom, tried them on, and decided to buy them as soon as I stepped on a hardwood floor and felt how cushy they are.