
They don’t have one. They honestly thought they wouldn’t have to replace Obamacare, and now so many people are realizing what Obamacare (or ACA as it’s actually known as) have done for them, they’re raising their ire and contacting their congress members to make sure they don’t just repeal it. I don’t think the

Let’s start the rumor that it’s in a bag on the Hill but we’ll put poop in the bag and light it on fire and then they’ll get poop on their shoes trying to save the bill, those stinking republitwats.

Lover of liberty and tallest Keebler elf Rand Paul

He’s lost in committee.

Has anybody checked to see whether it’s just sitting there on Capitol Hill?

Hey Bobby, where do watermelons go in the summer? Answer: John Cougars Meloncamp. Carry on.

I want to start a new wave of feminism: get off my lawn feminism.

I’m personally sick of cutesy, swallow, self-centered feminism. And I’m really sick of reactionary feminism that is hysterical over dumb things (i.e. I just watched a bunch of women screaming at a Twitter ad about how binge drinking affects women’s health and they called it victim blaming. Um, they aren’t talking

Shout-out to Peter Alexander for calling out baby hands claim about winning the biggest electoral college since Reagan.

“there’s ever been a president elected who in this short period of time has done what we’ve done.”

I hope Chaffetz gets primaried by Evan McMullin. Or even better: that McMullin runs as an independent against him and wins with no Republican establishment support. A reverse Tea Party by the few reasonable conservatives left. That would be so sweet.

It reminds me of in the Handmaid’s Tale where June talks about hoping a woman is carrying a baby, not an unbaby, with a head like a pin or a snout like a pig. They got rid of the machines that would let you know, but you couldn’t get rid of it, so what’s the point anyway?

Because our citizenry and government has a fundamental inability to motivate moderates to go to the polls, resulting in literally nothing but the most extreme left and right sides of the political spectrum largely making up the voting electorate. There are far more ‘extreme conservatives’ than there are ‘extreme

Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?

Seriously though—this is how we should protest Trump’s administration, just follow these executives and cabinet members around everywhere with bells yelling “shame.”

I wouldn’t normally recommend Game of Thrones methods of shaming for the general public but in this case, I’ll allow it.

Even though it won’t lead to citizenship, I think the short term solution might be the “red cards” the GOP has proposed for long-term undocumented residents. The lack of a citizenship option is the key stumbling block, but might be something a future Democratic administration might be able to fix.

When Trump said he would create 25 million new jobs I bet no one thought they would all be working for the ACLU.

Jake Tapper was fantastic when he called out Trump/Kellyanne for the fact that Trump still has not said anything about the Quebec City attack on Muslims. Coming on the heels of Kellyanne spending 10 mintues saying that the media underreports terror attacks, she had no where to go. I have never seen her at such a loss