
Tangentially related. I want to call my congress people. I’m in LA county though so I know they will be voting liberally. Should I still call? And what’s better, my representative or senator? And lastly, what should I say about the ban?

March for Science just announced it will take place on Earth Day, Saturday April 22nd!

As an Oregonian, I’m having a real maternal-instinct-type feeling about this dinosaur coming at Wyden. DON’T FUCKIN’ COME FOR US BRO, I will *destroy* you (in my best Beverly Leslie voice)

Ron Wyden is one of my two lovely senators. Roberts can go get fucked right in the fuckhole.

Is it bad that I always read his name as “Greedy Fuckface McFuckerson?”

One valium per person is the new ACA replacement plan, that and one vile of cyanide.