If you’d kindly provide your top 3 games people should be playing instead of Fortnite, I’m fully ready to shit on each accordingly.
If you’d kindly provide your top 3 games people should be playing instead of Fortnite, I’m fully ready to shit on each accordingly.
Love the grid, but could the creator please add a “newd bewbs” column? I found them in Origins, but so few and far between that I originally thought it was a glitch. Knowing that “nope, those were intentional” leads me to believe that other AC games may have also had nudity and I frankly wasn’t paying attention. And…
What a coincidence. I recently wet my pants to a new video that showed up on my feed, wherein the VR player had such a fantastic response, people gathered round him. It takes a moment to get there, but it’s worth watching.
Since this game was announced so closely after Origins, and everything in this video and trailer look so much like Origins... are we sure this isn’t a slightly modified (mechanically) reskin of Origins? Having played it yourself, I’m genuinely curious to know.
This is just a subtle critique of the article. Far be it for me to state how you, or anyone, should approach the subject or format. However...
Unlike every other commentor here, I don’t actually have the pertinent degree in Copyright Law or Infringement issues. I’ll go on record with that right now.
Look at the broad picture. When you take a step back, you’re asking players in a Battle Royale environment to “please leave me alone.” Whatever the method, asking other to “stahhp” is bound to met with criticism.
It’s not even a house. That’s clearly a cupcake.
How embarrassing... you forgot to ask me what I felt. This is awkward.
While I loved Watch Dogs 2, I was ultimately let down by how short the campaign was and how shallow (in my opinion) the story finalized. WD1 was certainly darker and more depressing, but I was far more interested in “the accident” story line than I was with Watch Dogs 2. By the time I thought I was becoming invested;…
I like to nitpick... so here’s some of that.
Two things stick out to me about the final scene. First and foremost, even though I’m always interested in the plans for phase 27 of the MCU, knowing that the second Spider-Man was in the works really muted a lot of the emotion for me. It’s like I had spoiled it for myself by removing the intended cliffhanger. They’ll…
This is my first foray into Far Cry, and it will likely be my last. There’s a few reasons for that, I suppose, but the nail in the coffin is that the game is utterly empty after beating it. My regions are hundred percent clear, which (as others have criticized) leaves them with minor threats. Unless I want to fight…
A constant discussion here is how many games you’ve got waiting to play. I’ve got this problem too. What can I say; I’m a sucker for a good sale.
The real issue is; monkeys are hilarious. It’s unfortunate that the term has been forever branded as a racial slur because, at it’s core, it universally appropriate when referencing a moron of any race. They’re cute and zany, occasionally stupid, and sometimes they hurl poop. They are comedy silver, to be looked at…
I default to male only since it rarely matters in the game world. I would LOVE a game to deviate, either in story, direction or mechanics based on gender/race/orientation, but I can’t think of a good example of one that does.
I hadn’t played any of the Far Cry series until 5 was released. I’m not disappointed, but I am far more interested in Far Cry 2, as you describe it. Additionally, I will usually wait awhile before buying a game or DLC, to let the price drop and the content grow. I didn’t do that this time either, admittedly swayed by…
Well written, but I must object to the idea that Fortnite doesn’t allow for stealth. While not the developer’s initial goal, stealth is encouraged and can absolutely bring about a win. I love getting deep into a bush (giggity) for the sole purpose of waiting to see who stumbles haphazardly into my line of fire.…
As well it should. Fortnite is glorious and free, and those traits matter to those frugal sophisticates such as much me.
If you have not watched the first episode of Netflix’s Dirty Money, you should. Then you should watch all the rest. Then, maybe get a sandwich or do some laundry. I don’t know. What am I, you’re secretary?!